Peace Harmony and Joy

Saturday, 28 January 2017

Don't Wait - Make Your Life Count Now!

I speak to people with health issues every day. Interestingly, many of those that are the most positive have pets. It could be dogs, cats, rabbits, gerbils, even down to stick insects.  I have 2 dogs and even on days like today when we come back home soaked it was good to get out and talk with other owners. It makes you feel alive. Of course the cuddles and antics from the dogs make it all worthwhile too!

Think of people you know that may not even have bad health that sit and stay closeted in their homes unhappy. Perhaps if they got a pet it would shift their mindset.  Any of the above would love time and attention therefore helping people to become more content. There are also lots of rescue centres with all types of animals awaiting a new life. I have seen many posts on line about a company that lets you share your dog with others . This may help if your health stops you walking your dog for short periods. I know I am lucky that both my friends and dog walker help if my back goes.

I had it brought to me this week how quickly someone's health can change so I believe we should all be making the most of life that we can. If you can't get out of the house at this time try and find interests and forums on line so you can still chat to others and develop new interests.

A group of people I feel sorry for are those that work till they retire, then sit at home. Why not enjoy a work / life balance before retirement so you have interests for when you do retire? Don't be the person that says "When I retire I will do ........"

So what are you waiting for? Make yourself move and get an interest to do something different either inside or outside the house.

Joy Fraser
Reiki Teacher

Wednesday, 4 January 2017


This morning as I was leaving for work I stood outside my door mesmerized at the stillness with only the sound of the birds. There were no cars driving down the road and no other distractions, just the sound of the birds. It was if I was caught in a moment of time. When I got to work someone posted about taking a moment to listen to the sound of birds in the car park. I thought it was great to hear someone like minded. Many people get caught up in rushing around that they don't savor the little magical things in life.

I then spoke to a lovely lady who was 87 and had spent her time nursing parents and latterly her husband who had Dementia. In April  this year he took sick and was diagnosed with terminal cancer in August. To hear this strong lady still managing to keep her sense of humour while she has carers coming in 4 times a day confirmed to me that it's all about how your mind works. Her story today was telling me how organised she has to be, so she sets out her clothes the night before. Today she got dressed and put her tights and dress on. She turned  round and realised her underpants were still sitting on the chest of drawers. This had us both having a giggle as we chatted. It really is true that if you look for a good point in your day it helps you get through the stressful times. I take my hat off to both her plus all the carers out there.

Make sure you find something to uplift you each day. Why not go to a peaceful place and listen to the sounds of nature. Just take a moment or two to stand and listen rather than having your mind working all the time. Two of my favourite places to go are my local park and standing beside the sea. I am lucky to have both easily reachable from my home. Also if you know anybody in the above situation, sometimes like today they just need someone to talk to, or to give them a break, so why not call on them to see how you can help.
Usui reiki master/teacher