Peace Harmony and Joy

Friday, 31 August 2012

Do you have a good Work / Life balance?

 It's a good question to ask yourself. What is your work /life balance like? Do you find yourself leaving work at the end of the day worrying that you forgot to do something or do you shut the door on work and enjoy your evening?

I feel that it is important to have extra interests outside of work but also by leaving work behind you are less likely to be stressed.
In todays world Doctors are concerned about the amount of people having Heart attacks because they cannot switch off. If they are worriers it is likely that it will impact on their homelife too.

If you feel that this sounds like you what can you do to resolve the situation? I came across this article which has helpful information for you to follow.Help with worrying

There are so many things that people can do now to help them switch off and if you have access to the internet it is even easier. Most towns have Meetup groups where you can share interests with like minded people. These can range from walks and meals to people meeting up to chat about other interesting subjects.

Another great club which has events all over the country is SPICE. They have many local events and also holidays all over the world. Many times when people first venture into settings like these they may feel shy. Spice have co ordinators who will look out for you if you let them know.

I read something today that said " If you are depressed  you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future.If you are at peace you are living in the Present." This was written by La Tzu and is so true. You cannot go back on the past and if you worry about the future you are worrying about things that may never happen. By living for today you can try your best to make the most of it and make every second count.

For those that still struggle to switch off you may want to try out The Sun Ancon Chi Machine. It clears your head and leaves you feeling very relaxed and has been used to help with stress and depression.

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Children and the Sun Ancon Chi machine


This weekend my Grandchildren have said they will help me make a video about the Sun Ancon Chi Machine. They have both had use of one for a few years. My Granddaughter who is 4 was introduced to it when Mum was pregnant. Not only did it help my Daughter who had SPD but it also put the baby to sleep when she was restless. Mum also used to use the Chi machine halfway through the night to get my Granddaughter back to sleep again.

My Grandson is now 8 but I remember him being desperate to try it when he was younger. I had said when he was 4 he could use it so a few days after his 4th birthday he came to the shop I was working in. The room had a wonderful light that changed colours and sheets looking like sails draping down from the ceiling. Funnily enough this has now been replicated in my own therapy room. He was so taken by the lights changing colour that he did not want to lie down for more than 30 seconds and kept raising his head to look in awe at all the colours in the room. The good news is after this he learned to stay still for more than a few seconds and uses it now when he has a headache or a tummy ache.

My Granddaughter was so eager to use the Sun Ancon Chi machine that she used to watch Mum and Brother on it and as soon as mum switched it off she would lie down and make her body move in the same way as when the electricity was switched on. The ways it makes the body move is like a figure of eight so this used to keep us very amused. As soon as she too turned 4 she was able to use it with the machine actually doing the work for her.
To see the faces of the two of them when the Chi machine switches off is fun. Unlike adults they find it really hard to be quiet and enjoy the sensation and instead we get bombarded with words of how they are feeling and usually a lot of laughter too. Don’t you just love children!

The Sun Ancon Chi machine can help with so many health issues or just to help people relax and chill out. If you want any more information about it to find out if it may be able to help either you or someone you know please feel free to contact me for further information. .

I will upload the video to my Facebook page here..  Please feel free to like it.

Life is for LIVING

I am sitting here with my door to the garden open knowing shortly that it will get closed as the temperature drops. It is starting to feel Autumnal here in Edinburgh first thing in the morning and in the last couple of evenings.Soon it will be getting darker earlier and for a lot of people that is when they curl up in a warm house and hibernate for the winter. It is also when a lot of people stop exercising as much, then the aches and pains set in.

Now is the time to be thinking what you can get in for the coming weeks to keep you on the go rather than becoming a couch potato. It may be you can use a Rebounder or a Wii if you have one. If not, a skipping rope may do, or you can do the simplest thing and continue with your walking  As it gets darker just remember to take precautions if you are outside on your own..You could also get together with friends for a game of tennis or badminton and perhaps set it up as a weekly occurrence.

Whether it is inside or outside the house the most important thing is to move rather than sit in front of the TV. You will get more pleasure from a sense of wellbeing if you take exercise and you will certainly sleep better.

We must of course remember those that are unable to exercise such as the elderly or people with physical problems. If you know anyone in these categories make sure you help them through the colder, darker weather. It is too easy for them to become isolated if they are left on their own. You can visit them or take them out for a journey in the car, even if just to do some shopping.

One thing about a dog is it makes you go out whatever the weather or time of year so mine will keep me socialising with people during our walks as well as taking exercise. I also have my Sun Ancon Chi machine which after 15 minutes gives me the equivalent in oxygen benefits as 90 minutes of brisk walking. I love walking the dog and then using the machine after this. It makes me feel so alive and energetic.

If you know anyone that could do with some help to exercise without putting any strain on their body you can find out all about the Sun Ancon Chi Machine  here.

Reiki, Workshops,Crystals and the Chi Machine

Monday, 20 August 2012

Summer feels like it has arrived.

What are you grateful for today? This summer has been one of the wettest in records where I live. It has meant that gardens were looking messy as they could not be cut and many flowers were being destroyed before they could even open due to all the pests and the rain. I did not realise until yesterday how much I have missed seeing the roses slowly opening their petals and the scent filling the air around me. Likewise my philadelphia bushes. This gives my most favourite smell but this year the rain was so strong that many flowers did not open and they just got knocked to the ground.

Yesterday, after a couple of days of sunshine, I looked out of my window to see two roses open against it. They seemed to have come out of nowhere. When I went out in the garden I had three Rose bushes either with opening flowers or buds swelling in the sun. I then went into my side garden and was able to see the lavender that I had grown from seed last year was also flowering. I quickly got my camera out and took some photographs, if only to prove to myself that something actually survived in my garden this year.

It may be that I have not had the summer that I was expecting. I have not been able to sit outside more than a couple of times and so far not had much fragrance to take note of ( although my honeysuckle did me proud). Yesterday I felt as if a lightbulb had been switched on as I looked on the beauty of all the flowers and felt such gratitude that I had the sight to see them all.

 Today I saw something that looked amazing. This year my garden has been overrun by snails so I'd rather they took a walk but when I looked at my glass door to the garden there were three tiny see through baby snails attached to it. Usually we just see the snails once they are bigger with their shells on.I was in awe at how beautiful these babies were. Even though the bigger ones have eaten all my vegetables, with a little help from their friends, I still thought nature was wonderful.

I am thankful that I have a garden but even if you only have a window box  you can plant something to make you feel good when you look at it or you could grow some indoor pot plants. There is beauty all around us but sometimes we are blocked from seeing it. Open your eyes and decide what you are grateful for today.

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Music is the food of life

I came across a photo today and thought how happy music can make us all. I was visiting someone today who was playing music of the 90's and as each song came on it brought back many happy memories for me.

I grew up with music in the house and also at school where we had both music and folk clubs and I remember hanging out with the music teachers who installed such a love of all things musical to me. I remember how the sounds of music filled my house when family and friends were practising both singing and playing musical instruments. Thinking back I now feel sorry for the neighbours!

It made me also think how many times you are thinking of someone when a special piece of music comes on that relates in your mind to them also. This has happened many times to me. It may be that I am thinking about a friend in trouble and Friends will be friends by Queen will come on. It is as if the universe lets us know that we are being helped and comforted too.

Whatever emotion we are feeling you can always find a piece of music to go with it. I'm also sure many people have done the same as me by going on to You tube to listen to a song and then clicking on song after song reliving memories. The power of the word can be very strong but sometimes the melodies blow you away too.

Last night on the Xfactor was a girl of only 16 that had been writing songs since she was 13. I think she will go far as she can put so much meaning into both her words and music. This is the key to a good composer.

Just talking about music has made me log on to you tube so I am now going to enjoy myself. I can easily do without television and all the negativity you see and hear but I could not do without my music fix.