Peace Harmony and Joy

Wednesday, 17 October 2012


When I was first told about the Sun Ancon Chi Machine I researched over my local area to see if there was anywhere I could go to try one out.  The answer was "no" so this left me with the option of ordering one and using the 14 day trial to see if it suited me. I have never looked back since I put through my order but I remember thinking it would have been great to try one without paying for the postage at that time.

Since getting my own Sun Ancon Chi machine a few years ago I decided that I would let people come to me to see if it can help them. Many people have then gone on to order their own from me. I remember an elderly lady with severe arthritis having difficulty lying down when she arrived. It seemed a lot easier for her to get up after the Chi machine trial. A couple of hours later she called me to order one saying that she had struggled walking to my house from the bus stop but felt like skipping on her way to get the bus back home again! This was not a one off result either.

 I use the Chi machine in therapy sessions also and have taken them into corporate businesses where the staff have felt relaxed and de stressed  after use therefore making them a happier workforce. I often think busy workplaces should have a Sun Ancon chi machine permanently in place so the staff can use it when they get stressed or have headaches developing. If I use mine as a headache is developing I can get rid of it without taking any medication.

I know from both personal and professional experience what this little machine can do to help others and want to let more people have the opportunity to try one out so I have decided from now until the end of December I will be willing to take a chi machine to visit  anyone in Edinburgh who through ill health cannot visit me.  There will be a charge of £20 for this service but if they then decide to purchase a  chi machine I will refund them £20.  If you know anyone that would be interested in me visiting them you can contact me through my website and quote Winter Offer.

For anyone outside of Edinburgh they can order a Sun Ancon Chi Machine through my website until the 31st December 2012 and if they quote Winter Offer  I will also refund them £20.

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