Peace Harmony and Joy

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Less sleep = More productivity

I'm writing this blog today after being awake for what feels like half of the night. What is that all about! After tossing and turning I went on the internet then decided to try again to get to sleep but the problem was I did not feel at all tired. After a bit more of trying to make myself feel tired I gave up but was still not ready to leave my bed so decided there must be a reason to be awake at 4am.

Thinking back I had hurt my back on Saturday and did not sleep well that night so on Sunday I had made up for it and slept till about 10.30 am yesterday. Now I had my answer but what to do with my time? Well I put it to good use. First I made myself comfortable and gave myself some reiki followed by some stretching exercises. I then did some writing.  Usually I have background music on but today it was just silence and the words just flowed.

Now that I am up the Chi machine has come out so I feel nice and relaxed with the pain lessening in my back. This is good before I sit at a desk for the day. I will probably need to use it again at lunchtime to enable me to work all day. This is why it's good to have my own Sun ancon Chi machine. It's always available when I need it. To get more information about the Chi machine check it here:

For me this week has been about thinking of others. I donated items to a good cause that my friend Donna from the Now Rest Cafe is organising. If you live in Edinburgh she would love something for the older people in Leith such as Gloves, smellies, hot waterbottles etc. You can find her on Facebook here: I have also paid to Oxfam unwrapped to buy a gift for the third world for a way to make energy which ties in with my day job. I realise how lucky I am to live in a country where it is supplied for me.

Time is speeding up with Christmas getting nearer. I am sure everyone hopes they get something nice but please remember to help others too.

I am sure tonight my sleeping pattern will be back to normal but at least I have had a productive morning. Have a great day everyone.

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Change can be good for you.

I just looked out my window to see a rose bud blowing in the wind. Considering the state my garden is in it was a wakeup call that there is still beauty in it. As the garden is large and this is a tiny speck in it my concentration had been on the rest of the garden and what I needed to do but now it’s not. Sometimes we have to accept that we can’t do everything we may want to but we still can see that there is beauty around us. I will relax knowing that the time will come that all my garden will again become beautiful.

It reminded me of Christmas day last year when it was freezing outside and I saw a white rose. Although we think of them as blooming in the summer I think all plants are getting confused about when they are to grow but it shows how good they are with change. This is happening more and more with the weather changes we are seeing here but the plants and animals are changing with it. 

How about us?

Are you resilient to change? Have you become stuck in a rut doing the same old thing every day?  In this day and age most people no longer have a job or partner for life so we all must learn to cope with change but it’s the attitude you have that makes the difference to how you feel.  Some people find it harder than others.

When my world crashed many years ago with a big change, although I presented a front to the world that I was happy, I was still in the situation that if 2 things had gone wrong I awaited the 3rd one happening too. I am pleased to say that once I started my training in reiki I became happy on the inside as well as the outside and now I love change and look for the positive in every situation I find myself in. 

Sometimes the reason for change does not come to you immediately. It may be many months down the line before you are aware that the change was good for you perhaps in a totally unexpected way.

If you find change hard there is usually something holding you back. It may be fear of the unknown. This can be one of the hardest things to overcome as we feel protected doing something we know. I remember years ago listening to Dr Wayne Dyers The Secrets of the power of Intention. It's a really great set of CD's or you can get the book. It helped me to look at change in a totally different way and to intend I would get the right outcome for myself. You might like to check it out.

I feel blessed that at the right time people come into my life to help me with all the changes I have gone through so far and would like to thank them for that. They will know who they are. I hope also to be able to continue the ripple by helping others going through change too.

As Ghandi would say -

"Be the change you wish to see in the world."