Peace Harmony and Joy

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

How To Reduce Stress In The Workplace

This is what I posted on Facebook this week and thought I would expand on it a little.
"I was looking at my Blog stats today and saw that someone had accessed a blog from 2015. After reading it I had a lightbulb moment. At work I have headphones on and often don't hear those around me. It has become a joke that I don't hear being advised to come off the phones lol. My blog was all about Mindful Meditation and how you can cut out sound around you and just hear the sounds of nature. I realised that when I am at work I cut off from the noise around me and concentrate on listening to the person at the other end of the phone. I have trained my brain to cut out the waffle going on around me and concentrate on what is really important. See, Meditation really does help you, unless you are meant to be getting a break from work!"

It made me think about all the people who are stressed at work. This may be to do with work or their personal circumstances. If you are an employee what would you like your employer to put in place? If you are an Employer what steps have you implemented to reduce stress in the workplace?

I remember taking my Sun Ancon chi machines into Scottish Gas for a Health and Wellbeing day. People were given an hour or so off the phones and usually it was held on a bank holiday. This then gave them the opportunity to walk around stalls to see if there was anything that could help them. With the Chi machine staff would lie on the floor for 10 mins time out and it made such a difference to their day. One of the comments was  "Why can we not have this here permanently? After a call with an angry customer we could have 10 minutes on the chi machine and feel both de-stressed and re- energised.

All workplaces need to do is get staff away from their desks for a period of time. This may be during a team time when people can discuss their concerns or just having a safe place for someone to go when they need time out.  Considering the things that are going on in the world at this time it is so easy to reach breaking point especially if your work or home life is stressful too. This can involve people going off sick and we all know that where mental health is concerned, the longer  you are off work, the harder it is to go back into the work environment.

If you are an employer think about what you can do to help. How about arranging someone to come and teach meditation to your workforce?  We are starting to see this taking place with children in schools. This will help them grow up with coping skills but many adults have never been taught this. You have an opportunity to change this and also help your business reduce sick leave at the same time. Remember, if you have happy staff you will have happier customers too.

If you are an employee and don't have an understanding employer check out what you can access yourself. Meditation, reiki and massage are a few things that can help you feel calm and relaxed. You can even go on YouTube and learn to TAP.  I am sure you can find Practitioners in your area to visit. Even if you go for a walk in nature for 30 mins you will feel better for doing this.

EMPLOYERS EVERYWHERE PLEASE WAKE UP. Treat your staff well and see them become more productive too!

Saturday, 10 February 2018

Synchronicity and The Celestine Prophecy

I was speaking to someone today about when we can feel like a Victim. The thing that helped me understand this was when I read The Celestine Prophecy. This tells you of the different types of people that come into play in our lives. I found that I was living the life of The Victim.  Everything was going wrong in my life and it was all "Woe is me". Once I recognised this I was able to make changes and with the  help of reiki too I managed to change my mindset and have never looked back. My story gets interesting from then on. This is what is said by the author James Redfield.

“If one can connect and build up enough energy, then coincidental events begin to happen consistently.”
James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy

The first book came into my hands after a friend had read it. She advised I had to read it and she would bring it in the summer when she was coming to stay with me. Not two weeks had gone past when it arrived in the post with a message that it could not wait and I was to read it now. While I read the book which is also called The 9th Insight I felt strongly that James was into  Energy work and I totally resonated with the book. I then ordered the follow on books.  I also let 2 of my friends read the book.  The day after ordering I got an email to say one of the books was out of stock. I was telling one of my friends this and she said she had bought the one I had missed out on. More interesting was that it was from a  different online bookshop! 

Eventually I read the next book and have to say it did not gel with me. I forced myself to read it to the end but felt that for me it did not work. Because of this I read the first chapter of the next book and decided not to continue reading it. A couple of years later I was at a Spice Scotland event and a person who was a reiki master, medium and Numerologist told me he had a message for me but not till after my birthday which was in a few weeks. He also asked me if I had read the 3rd book and I advised I had not. All he would say is " It's true".

A week after my birthday I suddenly remembered that he had a message for me. I then looked on my Spice booklet to see what events there was to do in the next month and saw he was back doing an event. I called the office and asked if they needed someone to coordinate the event and then agreed to do it.  That night I was  going to my bed when a book fell from the bookcase next to my bed. I took a look at it and just about freaked out when I saw it was the 3rd book! For the next few nights I stepped over it, not wanting to touch it. I then decided to pick it up and looked at it and was amazed at how I was understanding everything in it and then continued to read it from beginning to end. The only thing different this time around was I was now a reiki master / teacher! When I walked into the room where the event was being held a week later the person shouted out " She's read the book, She's read the book!" I asked him how he knew and he held his hands out very wide and said " Your Aura is way out here!"

“the First Insight is an awareness of the mysterious occurrences that change one’s life, the feeling that some other process is operating.”
James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy 

The synchronicity was not to end there though as a few years later I was checking my Twitter account and saw a new follower. On checking it was none other than the author of the  Celestine series  James Redfield.  Even more interesting was he was advertising his new book called The 12th Insight, the next in the series. I went straight to the bookshop and brought it home to read straight away.

Since then I have been aware of Synchronicity in my life and how much this speeds up when you are aware of it. Thoughts are energy so watch out for what you are thinking about.

Joy Fraser
Reiki Master / Teacher