Peace Harmony and Joy

Monday, 18 June 2018


I was just filling in a questionaire about my business. It really made me think what I was doing with it. I will explain what I mean by that. Reiki to me is my life but when I started down this journey, I remember saying to my teacher at first  that I was never going to treat another person. Instead I was doing it just for me. Of course that did not happen lol.

The next stage, when I trained to Teacher level, I again said this was just for me. I also said I would train 1 person only, which was my daughter. I remember him laughing at me as he just said "Watch this space!" So you see, I never meant to make reiki my business. For me it was a way to change my life for the better. The energy has a way of making things happen. Not only did I train my daughter, but I also trained her husband plus two of my Grandchildren! 

First after level 2 I was asked to work in a therapy shop at weekends and I found I loved working with people. Then about 9 months after teacher level training I was telling a group of people where they could train in Glasgow when a friend asked what about me? She also said the last 3 times she was out with me people started talking about reiki. Was that not a sign? I agreed to get a website built but said I would not advertise, as if it was meant to happen that I got business through it then I would.

Next a friend came to visit and built me a website. My first very own site. I was so proud of it and her for making it for me. Within the space of a week I had people requesting all stages of training! I still was not confident so agreed to go and have coffee with someone through the Free economy website. She wanted to talk about reiki and eventually asked if I would train her. No money changed hands but after that workshop, not only was she trained but I felt super confident in teaching!

The rest, as they say, is history. It became a hobby that I did for love. Gradually it became a part time business. I found I love teaching small groups of people about reiki and how it can help their lives change as it did for me. For something that I learned orginally to help myself, I am so grateful for how many others lives I have touched through the years. If you have either been trained in reiki or had a therapy session from me, I want to thank you all for being in my life. Wow. I feel so emotional now.



Sunday, 10 June 2018

Reiki Awareness week 2018

This week from Saturday  9th June is Reiki Awareness Week. Have you heard of or had a session of reiki before? What did you think of it? What is it?

Reiki is Universal Energy. One of the misconceptions about reiki is that the practitioner is using their own energy. This is not correct. In actual fact you can find giving reiki to another actually gives you more energy! This is because the energy flows through the practitioner to the recipient.

Reiki helps your mental attitude and can make you more positive in your thoughts. It can help you de - stress and also relieve pain. As I wrote on my Facebook page today it can also help people who are terminally ill to pass over more comfortable. What is there not to like about reiki?

One of the great things about reiki is once you are attuned to the energy it is with you for life. How cool is that. I even had a student that had not used it for 7 years and was surprised to find it still worked when she called upon it to help after an injury. Even better is you do not need to carry a therapy couch around with you. All you need are your hands.

Reiki is good to have in person, but for anyone that has done level 2, they can also send it over distance and time. Imagine being able to send it to a family member on the other side of the world, or to be able to go in to an interview knowing you have sent reiki in advance. You also need to have done level 2 to be a practioner and charge members of the public.

For this special week I am offering one person the chance to win either a One to One session with me in Edinburgh, or if you are further afield, a distance session. All you need do like my Facebook page then send me a message through Facebook and I will give you a number. The draw will take place next Sunday 16th June 2018.

I have a level one workshop on Sunday 26th August 2018 and a Level 2 workshop on Sat and Sun 11th and 12th August 2018. If you are interested in  taking part in either course please get in touch through my website.

Joy Fraser