I'm writing this blog today after being awake for what feels like half of the night. What is that all about! After tossing and turning I went on the internet then decided to try again to get to sleep but the problem was I did not feel at all tired. After a bit more of trying to make myself feel tired I gave up but was still not ready to leave my bed so decided there must be a reason to be awake at 4am.
Thinking back I had hurt my back on Saturday and did not sleep well that night so on Sunday I had made up for it and slept till about 10.30 am yesterday. Now I had my answer but what to do with my time? Well I put it to good use. First I made myself comfortable and gave myself some reiki followed by some stretching exercises. I then did some writing. Usually I have background music on but today it was just silence and the words just flowed.
Now that I am up the Chi machine has come out so I feel nice and relaxed with the pain lessening in my back. This is good before I sit at a desk for the day. I will probably need to use it again at lunchtime to enable me to work all day. This is why it's good to have my own Sun ancon Chi machine. It's always available when I need it. To get more information about the Chi machine check it here:
For me this week has been about thinking of others. I donated items to a good cause that my friend Donna from the Now Rest Cafe is organising. If you live in Edinburgh she would love something for the older people in Leith such as Gloves, smellies, hot waterbottles etc. You can find her on Facebook here: I have also paid to Oxfam unwrapped to buy a gift for the third world for a way to make energy which ties in with my day job. I realise how lucky I am to live in a country where it is supplied for me.
Time is speeding up with Christmas getting nearer. I am sure everyone hopes they get something nice but please remember to help others too.
I am sure tonight my sleeping pattern will be back to normal but at least I have had a productive morning. Have a great day everyone.
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
Saturday, 8 December 2012
Change can be good for you.
I just looked out my window to see a rose bud blowing in the
wind. Considering the state my garden is in it was a wakeup call that there is still
beauty in it. As the garden is large and this is a tiny speck in it my concentration
had been on the rest of the garden and what I needed to do but now it’s not.
Sometimes we have to accept that we can’t do everything we may want to but we
still can see that there is beauty around us. I will relax knowing that the
time will come that all my garden will again become beautiful.
It reminded me of Christmas day last year when it was
freezing outside and I saw a white rose. Although we think of them as blooming
in the summer I think all plants are getting confused about when they are to
grow but it shows how good they are with change. This is happening more and
more with the weather changes we are seeing here but the plants and animals are
changing with it.
How about us?
Are you resilient to change? Have you become stuck in a rut
doing the same old thing every day? In this day and age
most people no longer have a job or partner for life so we all must learn to
cope with change but it’s the attitude you have that makes the difference to
how you feel. Some people find it harder
than others.
When my world crashed many years ago with a big change, although I presented a
front to the world that I was happy, I was still in the situation that if 2
things had gone wrong I awaited the 3rd one happening too. I am pleased to say
that once I started my training in reiki I became happy on the inside as well
as the outside and now I love change and look for the positive in every
situation I find myself in.
Sometimes the reason for change does not come to you immediately. It may be many months down the line before you are aware that the change was good for you perhaps in a totally unexpected way.
If you find change hard there is usually something holding
you back. It may be fear of the unknown. This can be one of the hardest things to overcome as we feel protected doing something we know. I remember years ago listening to Dr Wayne Dyers The Secrets of the power of Intention. It's a really great set of CD's or you can get the book. It helped me to look at change in a totally different way and to intend I would get the right outcome for myself. You might like to check it out.
I feel blessed that at the right time people come into my life to help me with all the changes I have gone through so far and would like to thank them for that. They will know who they are. I hope also to be able to continue the ripple by helping others going through change too.
As Ghandi would say -
I feel blessed that at the right time people come into my life to help me with all the changes I have gone through so far and would like to thank them for that. They will know who they are. I hope also to be able to continue the ripple by helping others going through change too.
As Ghandi would say -
"Be the change you wish to see in the world."
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Isn't synchronicity wonderful
As time goes by I notice more and more synchronicity in my life. On my Facebook page recently I wrote about looking to join a gym so that I could go swimming but wished to test it out before joining. I had put an advertisement about my Chi machines in a local magazine called The Trinity Spotlight which had just been published. It also had an advert in it for a local gym. On seeing this I checked out another gym and saw that there was a special offer of 12 days for £12. I got the deal for £5 as I had been a previous member. I'm pleased to say that it is going well.
A few months ago I was going to sign up for an internet coaching package which was a good deal but I decided that I would only be able to go for it if the price was halved. Today I got news that it has been decreased by not 50% but 75%!
This comes on top of so many things which have happened that I realised something today. When I have wished for something I did not keep thinking about them. I gave up my thoughts to the universe that if something was the right thing for me that it would happen so I should not be surprised that it keeps happening.
Sometimes we can get so hung up on wanting something. All the universe hears is you've not got something so this continues to attract you not getting it. By changing your thoughts and thinking positively that it will be yours if it is right for you this reverses the flow. Help yourself now and remove the word want from your vocabulary.
The Heron knows that he will be provided for. Admittedly he sits and watches but he knows his food is there and he takes the time watching for this to make it's appearance. We should do the same and know that what is meant for us will come to us but not be in too much of a hurry. Just remember to put positive thoughts out their and watch synchronicity enter your life too.
Friday, 9 November 2012
Moving on with life
For all of those whose thoughts have been with me over the last 2 weeks since the loss of my dog Misty I want to thank you all.
It was a very strange week in that everything happened so fast and my emotions were all over the place. During this time I had arranged to do my Karuna reiki training. As I did not know what the situation would be I was tempted to cancel the training thinking I would be too emotional. In the end I decided to go ahead with the training and it was the right decision. Karuna reiki stands for compassion and it was exactly what I needed. I am using reiki to work on myself and am feeling a lot more peaceful than I had expected.
I know that it will take time for me to adjust as many habits have formed over the last few years such as leaving a door open so Misty could get to her water bowl. One of the funnier things she did was go to bed then wait until I closed the door on her then immediately got out of bed and went onto the settee. Funnily enough she was allowed on it but this was a ritual she like to play. I still find myself looking back when I close the door at night.I even found myself yesterday looking forward to having an extra walk with her as every second Thursday I finish early from work.
Many people lose family pets or family and friends so I am not alone but one thing you can do is enjoy the memories you had with them. For anyone going through illness at this time my heart goes out to you and your family. Make sure you make as many good memories as you can and remember you will still be connected when the time comes. After my spiritual weekend I am convinced of this.
Friday, 26 October 2012
RIP Misty
I feel the need tonight to give my wonderful dog the send off she so deserves. Misty was my Spaniel / labrador who had been in my life for all of her 12 years. She was so special and a great gift to me.
I remember going to the Edinburgh cat and Dog home and seeing a litter of puppies. All were short haired apart from one long haired pup that I fell in love with. I asked if I could pay for her and then nip out to buy something to transport her in the car to get home. I know it would not happen now but I was told to put her on the floor at the passenger side of my car. Imagine driving home with this 6 week pup trying to climb over my gearstick! I then got home, placed her in a laundry basket and drove to the pet shop.
Misty was brought up with children of all ages (as I childminded) and loved them. Two of my parents at the time said she was their adopted family dog too as they thought it wonderful to have their babies grow up with a dog. I often had to control her in the park until I made sure the children or their parents were not afraid of dogs as she loved everyone so much. She had the gentlest temperament that everyone loved especially me. I would get so many cuddles from her when I came home from work.
They say having an animal to stroke de stresses you and I totally agree with that. I will miss being able to do that. Misty only became nervous with firework bangs but I found Reiki helped her relax that she would snore right through them.
I truly believe that Misty saw things that others could not. She would often stare into a point in the room- usually up high and could not be distracted. I have photos taken by a friend of Orbs around her. I think she was a very spiritual dog.
Last weekend she was staying with my Daughter when we found she had a problem. I arranged a visit to the vet on Monday thinking it was nothing serious. After a couple of tests I took her for a scan on Wednesday when they discovered a large tumour. After speaking to the vet last night it was decided not to operate and I was to take her on Monday to leave this earth. Things deteriorated today and it was decided to bring it forward. I give thanks that my Daughter was able to do this for me and she advised me it was instantaneous and Misty was very relaxed. The vet also advised it was obvious the tumour had spread. My 4 year old Granddaughter wanted to have super powers to save her but I think all the cuddles Misty received were powerful enough.
I am feeling sad tonight but I feel happy at all the wonderful times my companion gave me. I am pleased that although the tumour has been growing for some time neither I or Misty was aware of it and that she will not need to go through anything now.
Tonight she will be with all the Spirits that she has been looking at from down here. We are all made of energy and I am sure we will still be connected. May you rest in peace Misty. Thank you for being a great friend.
Here she is looking like 2 separate dogs.It just shows what a good haircut can do.
I remember going to the Edinburgh cat and Dog home and seeing a litter of puppies. All were short haired apart from one long haired pup that I fell in love with. I asked if I could pay for her and then nip out to buy something to transport her in the car to get home. I know it would not happen now but I was told to put her on the floor at the passenger side of my car. Imagine driving home with this 6 week pup trying to climb over my gearstick! I then got home, placed her in a laundry basket and drove to the pet shop.
Misty was brought up with children of all ages (as I childminded) and loved them. Two of my parents at the time said she was their adopted family dog too as they thought it wonderful to have their babies grow up with a dog. I often had to control her in the park until I made sure the children or their parents were not afraid of dogs as she loved everyone so much. She had the gentlest temperament that everyone loved especially me. I would get so many cuddles from her when I came home from work.
They say having an animal to stroke de stresses you and I totally agree with that. I will miss being able to do that. Misty only became nervous with firework bangs but I found Reiki helped her relax that she would snore right through them.
I truly believe that Misty saw things that others could not. She would often stare into a point in the room- usually up high and could not be distracted. I have photos taken by a friend of Orbs around her. I think she was a very spiritual dog.
Last weekend she was staying with my Daughter when we found she had a problem. I arranged a visit to the vet on Monday thinking it was nothing serious. After a couple of tests I took her for a scan on Wednesday when they discovered a large tumour. After speaking to the vet last night it was decided not to operate and I was to take her on Monday to leave this earth. Things deteriorated today and it was decided to bring it forward. I give thanks that my Daughter was able to do this for me and she advised me it was instantaneous and Misty was very relaxed. The vet also advised it was obvious the tumour had spread. My 4 year old Granddaughter wanted to have super powers to save her but I think all the cuddles Misty received were powerful enough.
I am feeling sad tonight but I feel happy at all the wonderful times my companion gave me. I am pleased that although the tumour has been growing for some time neither I or Misty was aware of it and that she will not need to go through anything now.
Tonight she will be with all the Spirits that she has been looking at from down here. We are all made of energy and I am sure we will still be connected. May you rest in peace Misty. Thank you for being a great friend.
Here she is looking like 2 separate dogs.It just shows what a good haircut can do.
Sunday, 21 October 2012
Spiritual Weekend
Spiritual Weekend
I have just returned from a memorable weekend. It was the first time ever I have gone on a spiritual weekend and did not have any expectations of what would happen. To say I was blown away would have to be an understatement!
I am a member of a social group called SPICE. They organise events across the country every day of the year and this was one of their weekends. It was a well chosen hotel known for ghosts which Lauren felt as soon as we walked in the door so well researched by Spice. It was hosted by a wonderful Psychic Medium called Lauren Robertson who I highly recommend. She is a girl after my own heart who is so positive and full of wonderful gifts which she was then able to share with the group.
The weekend was packed with learning new skills that included Angel and Tarot cards and using our intuition. Lauren also gave us a talk on Dream Analysis which showed how many dreams are so common and interpreted them for us. It also included a few of us for the first time allowing Spirit to communicate with us and allowing us to pass on messages to others in the room. I had no intention of taking part in the last event although I was to get a surprise. When she asked who wanted to stand up I found myself rising from my chair and walking forward. I can only say it felt as if someone was guiding me and telling me it was now my turn. I was then able to pass a message on to somebody and so were the others that had taken part in this. This was mind blowing - to find that we can all connect with Spirit if we wish to.
During the weekend it was great to be with likeminded people who were all at different periods in their life where this subject was concerned but we all came together and had many precious discussions about what we were seeing and learning in our workshops. We found that amongst us we had so many suggestions for books to read that Lauren is compiling a list including ours for us. This will keep us busy for a while!
One thing about Spice weekends though is the amount of fun that can be had and it came to a head this morning with one of our group who had us all rolling with laughter at the breakfast table. I think he missed his calling. I suggested he appear in the Edinburgh Festival as a comedien.
One thing we should all remember is that life does not stand still. We can all learn things on a daily basis. This was my week for learning more about using senses that I had been unaware of and meeting new friends. Imagine going away with a group of strangers and interacting with them as we were all learning together. It was awesome!
Next weekend I will be taking my Karuna Reiki traning. I am looking forward to it so much- always learning and growing!
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
When I was first told about the Sun Ancon Chi Machine I researched over my local area to see if there was anywhere I could go to try one out. The answer was "no" so this left me with the option of ordering one and using the 14 day trial to see if it suited me. I have never looked back since I put through my order but I remember thinking it would have been great to try one without paying for the postage at that time.
Since getting my own Sun Ancon Chi machine a few years ago I decided that I would let people come to me to see if it can help them. Many people have then gone on to order their own from me. I remember an elderly lady with severe arthritis having difficulty lying down when she arrived. It seemed a lot easier for her to get up after the Chi machine trial. A couple of hours later she called me to order one saying that she had struggled walking to my house from the bus stop but felt like skipping on her way to get the bus back home again! This was not a one off result either.
I use the Chi machine in therapy sessions also and have taken them into corporate businesses where the staff have felt relaxed and de stressed after use therefore making them a happier workforce. I often think busy workplaces should have a Sun Ancon chi machine permanently in place so the staff can use it when they get stressed or have headaches developing. If I use mine as a headache is developing I can get rid of it without taking any medication.
I know from both personal and professional experience what this little machine can do to help others and want to let more people have the opportunity to try one out so I have decided from now until the end of December I will be willing to take a chi machine to visit anyone in Edinburgh who through ill health cannot visit me. There will be a charge of £20 for this service but if they then decide to purchase a chi machine I will refund them £20. If you know anyone that would be interested in me visiting them you can contact me through my website and quote Winter Offer.
For anyone outside of Edinburgh they can order a Sun Ancon Chi Machine through my website until the 31st December 2012 and if they quote Winter Offer I will also refund them £20.
Since getting my own Sun Ancon Chi machine a few years ago I decided that I would let people come to me to see if it can help them. Many people have then gone on to order their own from me. I remember an elderly lady with severe arthritis having difficulty lying down when she arrived. It seemed a lot easier for her to get up after the Chi machine trial. A couple of hours later she called me to order one saying that she had struggled walking to my house from the bus stop but felt like skipping on her way to get the bus back home again! This was not a one off result either.
I use the Chi machine in therapy sessions also and have taken them into corporate businesses where the staff have felt relaxed and de stressed after use therefore making them a happier workforce. I often think busy workplaces should have a Sun Ancon chi machine permanently in place so the staff can use it when they get stressed or have headaches developing. If I use mine as a headache is developing I can get rid of it without taking any medication.
I know from both personal and professional experience what this little machine can do to help others and want to let more people have the opportunity to try one out so I have decided from now until the end of December I will be willing to take a chi machine to visit anyone in Edinburgh who through ill health cannot visit me. There will be a charge of £20 for this service but if they then decide to purchase a chi machine I will refund them £20. If you know anyone that would be interested in me visiting them you can contact me through my website and quote Winter Offer.
For anyone outside of Edinburgh they can order a Sun Ancon Chi Machine through my website until the 31st December 2012 and if they quote Winter Offer I will also refund them £20.
Sunday, 7 October 2012
Past and present thoughts
I am pleased to say that hopefully this week I will have back the DVDs to show how children can use the Sun Ancon Chi machine. I had a problem that I could not upload them to my computer from the camcorder so now a shop will be doing this for me. I will be uploading them onto my facebook page here. Please feel free to like it so you will get an update when I post them.
As I have decided to get a new camcorder I thought I had better look out all the tapes that I had and get them converted to DVD at the same time. I came across a couple that put a smile on my face. One was my friends wedding and another was a Caribbean holiday that I had with my daughter many years ago. Another one was a friend with Sciatica on the Sun Ancon Chi machine telling me as it was helping him so he should be using it more. The thought of taking a duck to water came into my mind when I heard this!It's amazing what we record and then forget about so I'm looking forward to watching them on my computer when I get them back.
Life for me this month is moving so fast that I decided today would be my day for time out as we all need that. I have so far been for a walk in the park watching all the trees change colour and saw that the little signets I saw at the beginning of summer have all grown up to be almost the same size as the adults. I'm glad our children do not grow that fast. At least the swans do not have to clothe their young.
I will have a little work related event today when someone comes to see if the Chi machine can help them but that never feels like work to me. I just love being able to put a smile on people's face when they find there is help out their for chronic conditions.
Whatever you are doing today I hope it is enjoyable. If you are unable to have time out for yourself today then make sure you have it another day during the week. It does not have to be a full day- it may even just be a couple of hours but it is important for your health and well being.
As I have decided to get a new camcorder I thought I had better look out all the tapes that I had and get them converted to DVD at the same time. I came across a couple that put a smile on my face. One was my friends wedding and another was a Caribbean holiday that I had with my daughter many years ago. Another one was a friend with Sciatica on the Sun Ancon Chi machine telling me as it was helping him so he should be using it more. The thought of taking a duck to water came into my mind when I heard this!It's amazing what we record and then forget about so I'm looking forward to watching them on my computer when I get them back.
Life for me this month is moving so fast that I decided today would be my day for time out as we all need that. I have so far been for a walk in the park watching all the trees change colour and saw that the little signets I saw at the beginning of summer have all grown up to be almost the same size as the adults. I'm glad our children do not grow that fast. At least the swans do not have to clothe their young.
I will have a little work related event today when someone comes to see if the Chi machine can help them but that never feels like work to me. I just love being able to put a smile on people's face when they find there is help out their for chronic conditions.
Whatever you are doing today I hope it is enjoyable. If you are unable to have time out for yourself today then make sure you have it another day during the week. It does not have to be a full day- it may even just be a couple of hours but it is important for your health and well being.
Thursday, 4 October 2012
Autumn has arrived or is it winter?
Autumn is here. All around the leaves are changing colour and falling from the trees. How does this make you feel? Do you want to hibernate until springtime and get cosy by the fireplace? Or do you continue with life outside the home getting enjoyment out of the season?
I love all seasons, from the spring with all the bulbs popping up, to the summer when everything grows quickly, the autumn when there is suddenly lots of beautiful colours as the leaves change and the winter when it gets darker earlier and you just want to be a homebody. Perhaps all you can think of are cold and snow, rain,slipping on leaves as they fall and more grass cutting than before. If this is you then you are missing out on a lot of life.
I realised that I now need to take a torch with me when walking my dog Misty this morning. Tomorrow I will be looking out her collar with lights attached. This to me means we are moving from Autumn into Winter. One of my friends even had to defrost her car this morning. This is the time to make sure your cars are serviced and your heating works.
As it gets darker I do not exercise with the dog as much as the rest of the year but she is happier to stay out of the rain and cold especially as she has arthritis now. For me I increase the time I spend on the Sun Ancon Chi machine. Fifteen minutes on the Chi Machine is equivalent to 90 minutes of walking exercise in terms of oxygenation of the blood. Research has also shown that when you swing on the Chi machine for 15 minutes, it can produce the same effect as walking 10,000 steps. It actually makes the body consume the equivalent amount of calorie burning oxygen during one and one half-hour’s of walking. It's a shame my dog cannot use the Chi machine as it's good for arthritis too! You can find out more about the Sun Ancon here.
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
My Best Friend for Back Pain
My best friend is not a person, it's a machine and you will soon understand why.
Many years ago I needed an operation. After this I had extreme back pain. One year later after many visits to an NHS Physiotherapist she advised me that she saw many people in her clinic with back pain after having epidurals. Although I had insisted I did not want an epidural the doctors had convinced me otherwise!
After this I saw an Osteopath. On my second visit she said she already knew my first visit had not helped me. When I asked her why, she said she had spoken that week to a doctor who had just gone through the same operation as I. She had put it off as long as she could and now she had needed the help of an Osteopath. The reason was the operation had also pushed her pelvis out of place. The Osteopath was then able to help me when she realised the same thing had happened to me but advised by now my back was seriously weakened. She had me lie on a heat pad and I remember walking out of her door thinking it was still attached. The funny thing was a few years later whenever I got reiki from a friend I always felt as if I had a heat pad across my back.
My back was better for a couple of years then went again when I was gardening. I had to go to a different Osteopath who was great and I stayed with him for many years as my back kept going. I was sometimes in a lot of pain and Tiger balm was then my best friend.
It seems odd to say you can get used to pain but it can happen. Most of the time I was aware I was in pain but it was part of me so I just got on with life. I remember a workplace nurse telling me that she could see how high a threshold I had developed for pain which most people could not cope with. She knew if I mentioned I was in pain that it was at a very high level.
This has had a big impact on my life as I could be doing something so simple and my back would go. One time I was putting a bottle into a bag and had just leaned forward. It got to the point I was too scared to bend or stretch. I also could not lift my Grandchildren without being in agony afterwards and I could not play on the floor with them. I felt distressed at how much my life was being affected by this back pain. Then one day my life turned around.
A friend introduced me to the Sun ancon Chi Machine. At the time I felt I could not afford one but promised him I would not buy a cheaper copycat version. Two years later after having a bad spell with my back I decided to put it on my credit card. After 8 weeks I could not stop telling people about it and how it had helped me. I so wished I had bought it earlier! It changed my life so much that I was even able to dance the twist with my Grandson at my Daughters wedding. Of course, after that, my back did object but I had actually forgotten I had a bad back.
I was so successful in using mine that I started letting others use it and was amazed at some of the things it helped with. I now use it in my therapy sessions if required by a client. If you would like to find out more information about the Sun ancon Chi machine you can check here on my website. I still use mine when my back is uncomfortable or when I have a headache. If I need more energy I use it too so you can see why it is my best friend. I have not seen my Ostepath in 3 years. The last time he said "Just go home and use your Chi machine as we both know that helps".
It has made my life so much more comfortable that many days I use it just when I want to relax and chill out. It gives me a gentle massage followed by energy which has to be felt to be believed. Many visitors to my home often ask to use the machine when they visit too. Even my Grandchildren use the Sun Ancon Chi machine. In fact the 8 year old advised me he goes on it when he is in a bad mood and afterwords he feels good again. My Daughter had been so impressed by the Chi machine that she has one at home for all the family to use. It helps with her M.E and it helps when the children have sore tummies or heads. It also helps her husband relax his muscles after a day of gardening.What a powerful machine.
So now I say "NO" to Back Pain and know I have the answer at my feet!
Many years ago I needed an operation. After this I had extreme back pain. One year later after many visits to an NHS Physiotherapist she advised me that she saw many people in her clinic with back pain after having epidurals. Although I had insisted I did not want an epidural the doctors had convinced me otherwise!
After this I saw an Osteopath. On my second visit she said she already knew my first visit had not helped me. When I asked her why, she said she had spoken that week to a doctor who had just gone through the same operation as I. She had put it off as long as she could and now she had needed the help of an Osteopath. The reason was the operation had also pushed her pelvis out of place. The Osteopath was then able to help me when she realised the same thing had happened to me but advised by now my back was seriously weakened. She had me lie on a heat pad and I remember walking out of her door thinking it was still attached. The funny thing was a few years later whenever I got reiki from a friend I always felt as if I had a heat pad across my back.
My back was better for a couple of years then went again when I was gardening. I had to go to a different Osteopath who was great and I stayed with him for many years as my back kept going. I was sometimes in a lot of pain and Tiger balm was then my best friend.
It seems odd to say you can get used to pain but it can happen. Most of the time I was aware I was in pain but it was part of me so I just got on with life. I remember a workplace nurse telling me that she could see how high a threshold I had developed for pain which most people could not cope with. She knew if I mentioned I was in pain that it was at a very high level.
This has had a big impact on my life as I could be doing something so simple and my back would go. One time I was putting a bottle into a bag and had just leaned forward. It got to the point I was too scared to bend or stretch. I also could not lift my Grandchildren without being in agony afterwards and I could not play on the floor with them. I felt distressed at how much my life was being affected by this back pain. Then one day my life turned around.
A friend introduced me to the Sun ancon Chi Machine. At the time I felt I could not afford one but promised him I would not buy a cheaper copycat version. Two years later after having a bad spell with my back I decided to put it on my credit card. After 8 weeks I could not stop telling people about it and how it had helped me. I so wished I had bought it earlier! It changed my life so much that I was even able to dance the twist with my Grandson at my Daughters wedding. Of course, after that, my back did object but I had actually forgotten I had a bad back.
I was so successful in using mine that I started letting others use it and was amazed at some of the things it helped with. I now use it in my therapy sessions if required by a client. If you would like to find out more information about the Sun ancon Chi machine you can check here on my website. I still use mine when my back is uncomfortable or when I have a headache. If I need more energy I use it too so you can see why it is my best friend. I have not seen my Ostepath in 3 years. The last time he said "Just go home and use your Chi machine as we both know that helps".
It has made my life so much more comfortable that many days I use it just when I want to relax and chill out. It gives me a gentle massage followed by energy which has to be felt to be believed. Many visitors to my home often ask to use the machine when they visit too. Even my Grandchildren use the Sun Ancon Chi machine. In fact the 8 year old advised me he goes on it when he is in a bad mood and afterwords he feels good again. My Daughter had been so impressed by the Chi machine that she has one at home for all the family to use. It helps with her M.E and it helps when the children have sore tummies or heads. It also helps her husband relax his muscles after a day of gardening.What a powerful machine.
So now I say "NO" to Back Pain and know I have the answer at my feet!
Sunday, 16 September 2012
Refreshed,energised and stress free.
I finally got back home last night at 11pm British time but it was 12am Spanish time so I had been on my travels for quite a few hours as I left at 3pm. This time as the shuttle bus was at the beginning of my journey I got home without any back pain unlike on my arrival.
I would like to say that both my Jet 2 flights were very well organised from booking the flights on line to get to and from my destination. Everything was free of stress and well organised.
My holiday was a lovely time out for me as well as a big learning curve. I can't believe how much information I was able to acquire in just under 2 weeks. My thanks go to my host for all the teaching and patience she had and also for her companionship. We had so much in common it was surreal.
I now need to get organised for the coming weeks.
Next weekend I will be joining in with a Melody Crystal weekend. The following week I will be hosting a reiki Level one workshop on my first Friday. Many people have said their weekends are so busy so I will see how this one goes. If you are interested in joining me it is on Friday 28th September in Edinburgh. More information can be found here.
I have a lot planned over the coming weeks and feel grateful to have such an abundance of opportunities in my life.
Even though my time will be busy I will always make sure that I take the time out needed to keep me feeling refreshed. I am lucky that I have my Sun Ancon chi machine at home so I can really chill out and relax but also feel energised after using it. If you would like more information about the Chi machine check out here on my website.
Soon everyone will be thinking about getting ready for (sshhhh) Christmas. Many people stress over buying presents and getting together with family. A little stress is good for you but when it becomes too much you need to make sure that you do something as a time out too so why not start now and find something. It may be a walk in the park or going out to the gym. It may be reading a book or listening to music. Everyone needs a way to switch off the brain and relax. I have my way- what's yours?
Next weekend I will be joining in with a Melody Crystal weekend. The following week I will be hosting a reiki Level one workshop on my first Friday. Many people have said their weekends are so busy so I will see how this one goes. If you are interested in joining me it is on Friday 28th September in Edinburgh. More information can be found here.
I have a lot planned over the coming weeks and feel grateful to have such an abundance of opportunities in my life.
Even though my time will be busy I will always make sure that I take the time out needed to keep me feeling refreshed. I am lucky that I have my Sun Ancon chi machine at home so I can really chill out and relax but also feel energised after using it. If you would like more information about the Chi machine check out here on my website.
Soon everyone will be thinking about getting ready for (sshhhh) Christmas. Many people stress over buying presents and getting together with family. A little stress is good for you but when it becomes too much you need to make sure that you do something as a time out too so why not start now and find something. It may be a walk in the park or going out to the gym. It may be reading a book or listening to music. Everyone needs a way to switch off the brain and relax. I have my way- what's yours?
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
Aloha from Spain
I hope wherever you are you are all having a good day. I have been learning all about Kindle, Kindle select and Pinterest this week. It's amazing that there are so many social sites that you can use for both personal and business interests. Many people use Facebook and Twitter also as they have both been around a bit longer. My brain is buzzing with all the information I have aquired and the webinars I have watched but I'm raring to go.
I have been combining all of this learning with relaxing in the Sun and swimming in the pool so it has been a good mixture for a holiday. The weather here has been great and I found out yesterday that my host did not need a jacket on for the whole year here in Spain. They even had Christmas lunch on the terrace! Usually at that time I am all wrapped up with Hat, Scarf, Gloves and de-icer. It's such a different life here and I love it.
I am currently sitting on the Terrace listening to the Chickadee birds that are so small you cannot see them. At times it sounds like the noise that comes from an electricity station. Theres are also some small sparrows that are tweeting away so I'm finding it very relaxing.
It's a new experience also to be able to sit outside in the sun when I am giving myself reiki with no shoes on- very grounding. I love being surrounded by nature and I have that in abundance here from the palm trees and sweet smelling Oleander to the hills in front of me. There are Budda statues all around me too plus candles so it feels like I have just come home. Today I have a lot to be grateful for.
Soon I will be able to share some of the things I have been learning about and hope to help others increase abundance into their lives too. For now get the most you can out of life and don't be trapped in negativity. Remember too that your thoughts are acted on so only put positive thoughts of abundance in all things out to the universe.
Saturday, 8 September 2012
Do the Fairies come into your house or garden?
In case you were unaware I am currently sunning myself in a beautiful area of Spain. As is usual when I was coming to stay with my host I wanted to get her a thank you present for putting up with me lol. As it was also important that I did not over step my baggage allowance I could not buy the big containers of Yankee candles that I wanted so I thought of something else and added a few small candles.
I am very lucky to have a family that can turn their hands to many things and one of the things they excel in are their Fairy doors although this had been put on the backburner for a while due to my daughters health. I was very pleased when they agreed to make me a one off door based on an Irish theme. If anyone else is interested in one they can contact them through https://www.facebook.com/blackbirds.homeandgarden. They will soon have a website up and running.
For anyone that does not know about fairy doors they are supposed to be put on a skirting board in your home to invite the fairies to come into your house. Blackbirds also have some lovely fairy Houses for sale too which can be set in your garden. These are cut directly from the tree and intuitively made.
The newest fairy door has found a home in the bedroom of my host and she loves it as do I.
I am now about to go visit a local town followed tomorrow by a visit to Caves. This is the life!
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
Time out for me
I am in one of the most lovely places for a holiday. Surrounded by beautiful plants and orange and lemon trees.I think it is a perfect place to have meditation retreats as all you can hear are the Chickadee birds. Reiki is never far from my life as even here I will be attuning someone to the energy and it's the perfect place to do it. I love the fact that reiki is with me always and I can share it so easily.
Everyone needs time out for themselves and this is mine although I will also be doing a little light work here. It's wonderful that even when it's windy it is still warm, unlike my home as I live a few minutes from the sea in Scotland.
Part of my holiday is being spent learning more about using the internet to promote my products and after only 1 day I am on a roll. Staying with someone who has used the internet for many years in her businesses is great but even so we are both learning more together. The difficulty with online marketing is how fast things change. Google particularly is changing how people have used the web for years and if you don't keep updated then your business will lose out.
The latest kid on the block is Pinterest and it has only been through the last few weeks that I have been becoming aware of how much this can help to promote your business so that it one of my tasks this week. Kindle has also seen a massive increase in people reading that way rather than buying books. I have to admit I am hooked on kindle and have read more in the last few months than I have in years.
This is only part of my holiday though. I am here to enjoy the sun, see the wonderful views and have a visit to a local mountain where crystals have been found planned in too as well as lots of other things.
The only thing I am missing is my sun Ancon chi machine. It took me approx 7 hours to get here which included waiting in the hard chairs at the airport, then in the airoplane,followed by another wait at an airport and then a 1 hr 40 min shuttle ride. I know if I had brought my chi machine with me that as soon as I had got to my destination and used it my back would have been fine. Instead it's just going to take a little longer. Next time I will pay the extra freight charges!
When I return I will be hosting a reiki level 1 workshop on Friday 28th September 2012. so if you want to book on this or would like any information for the Chi machine you can contact me through my website at www.peaceharmonyandjoy.co.uk
I'm going to sign off now as the sun is calling and so is the swimming pool.
Everyone needs time out for themselves and this is mine although I will also be doing a little light work here. It's wonderful that even when it's windy it is still warm, unlike my home as I live a few minutes from the sea in Scotland.
Part of my holiday is being spent learning more about using the internet to promote my products and after only 1 day I am on a roll. Staying with someone who has used the internet for many years in her businesses is great but even so we are both learning more together. The difficulty with online marketing is how fast things change. Google particularly is changing how people have used the web for years and if you don't keep updated then your business will lose out.
The latest kid on the block is Pinterest and it has only been through the last few weeks that I have been becoming aware of how much this can help to promote your business so that it one of my tasks this week. Kindle has also seen a massive increase in people reading that way rather than buying books. I have to admit I am hooked on kindle and have read more in the last few months than I have in years.
This is only part of my holiday though. I am here to enjoy the sun, see the wonderful views and have a visit to a local mountain where crystals have been found planned in too as well as lots of other things.
The only thing I am missing is my sun Ancon chi machine. It took me approx 7 hours to get here which included waiting in the hard chairs at the airport, then in the airoplane,followed by another wait at an airport and then a 1 hr 40 min shuttle ride. I know if I had brought my chi machine with me that as soon as I had got to my destination and used it my back would have been fine. Instead it's just going to take a little longer. Next time I will pay the extra freight charges!
When I return I will be hosting a reiki level 1 workshop on Friday 28th September 2012. so if you want to book on this or would like any information for the Chi machine you can contact me through my website at www.peaceharmonyandjoy.co.uk
I'm going to sign off now as the sun is calling and so is the swimming pool.
Friday, 31 August 2012
Do you have a good Work / Life balance?
It's a good question to ask yourself. What is your work /life balance like? Do you find yourself leaving work at the end of the day worrying that you forgot to do something or do you shut the door on work and enjoy your evening?
I feel that it is important to have extra interests outside of work but also by leaving work behind you are less likely to be stressed.
In todays world Doctors are concerned about the amount of people having Heart attacks because they cannot switch off. If they are worriers it is likely that it will impact on their homelife too.
If you feel that this sounds like you what can you do to resolve the situation? I came across this article which has helpful information for you to follow.Help with worrying
There are so many things that people can do now to help them switch off and if you have access to the internet it is even easier. Most towns have Meetup groups where you can share interests with like minded people. These can range from walks and meals to people meeting up to chat about other interesting subjects.
Another great club which has events all over the country is SPICE. They have many local events and also holidays all over the world. Many times when people first venture into settings like these they may feel shy. Spice have co ordinators who will look out for you if you let them know.
I read something today that said " If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future.If you are at peace you are living in the Present." This was written by La Tzu and is so true. You cannot go back on the past and if you worry about the future you are worrying about things that may never happen. By living for today you can try your best to make the most of it and make every second count.
For those that still struggle to switch off you may want to try out The Sun Ancon Chi Machine. It clears your head and leaves you feeling very relaxed and has been used to help with stress and depression.
Thursday, 30 August 2012
Children and the Sun Ancon Chi machine
This weekend my Grandchildren have said they will help me make a video about the Sun Ancon Chi Machine. They have both had use of one for a few years. My Granddaughter who is 4 was introduced to it when Mum was pregnant. Not only did it help my Daughter who had SPD but it also put the baby to sleep when she was restless. Mum also used to use the Chi machine halfway through the night to get my Granddaughter back to sleep again.
My Grandson is now 8 but I remember him being desperate to try it when he was younger. I had said when he was 4 he could use it so a few days after his 4th birthday he came to the shop I was working in. The room had a wonderful light that changed colours and sheets looking like sails draping down from the ceiling. Funnily enough this has now been replicated in my own therapy room. He was so taken by the lights changing colour that he did not want to lie down for more than 30 seconds and kept raising his head to look in awe at all the colours in the room. The good news is after this he learned to stay still for more than a few seconds and uses it now when he has a headache or a tummy ache.
My Granddaughter was so eager to use the Sun Ancon Chi machine that she used to watch Mum and Brother on it and as soon as mum switched it off she would lie down and make her body move in the same way as when the electricity was switched on. The ways it makes the body move is like a figure of eight so this used to keep us very amused. As soon as she too turned 4 she was able to use it with the machine actually doing the work for her.
To see the faces of the two of them when the Chi machine switches off is fun. Unlike adults they find it really hard to be quiet and enjoy the sensation and instead we get bombarded with words of how they are feeling and usually a lot of laughter too. Don’t you just love children!
The Sun Ancon Chi machine can help with so many health issues or just to help people relax and chill out. If you want any more information about it to find out if it may be able to help either you or someone you know please feel free to contact me for further information. .http://www.peaceharmonyandjoy.co.uk
I will upload the video to my Facebook page here.. Please feel free to like it.
This weekend my Grandchildren have said they will help me make a video about the Sun Ancon Chi Machine. They have both had use of one for a few years. My Granddaughter who is 4 was introduced to it when Mum was pregnant. Not only did it help my Daughter who had SPD but it also put the baby to sleep when she was restless. Mum also used to use the Chi machine halfway through the night to get my Granddaughter back to sleep again.
My Grandson is now 8 but I remember him being desperate to try it when he was younger. I had said when he was 4 he could use it so a few days after his 4th birthday he came to the shop I was working in. The room had a wonderful light that changed colours and sheets looking like sails draping down from the ceiling. Funnily enough this has now been replicated in my own therapy room. He was so taken by the lights changing colour that he did not want to lie down for more than 30 seconds and kept raising his head to look in awe at all the colours in the room. The good news is after this he learned to stay still for more than a few seconds and uses it now when he has a headache or a tummy ache.
My Granddaughter was so eager to use the Sun Ancon Chi machine that she used to watch Mum and Brother on it and as soon as mum switched it off she would lie down and make her body move in the same way as when the electricity was switched on. The ways it makes the body move is like a figure of eight so this used to keep us very amused. As soon as she too turned 4 she was able to use it with the machine actually doing the work for her.
To see the faces of the two of them when the Chi machine switches off is fun. Unlike adults they find it really hard to be quiet and enjoy the sensation and instead we get bombarded with words of how they are feeling and usually a lot of laughter too. Don’t you just love children!
The Sun Ancon Chi machine can help with so many health issues or just to help people relax and chill out. If you want any more information about it to find out if it may be able to help either you or someone you know please feel free to contact me for further information. .http://www.peaceharmonyandjoy.co.uk
I will upload the video to my Facebook page here.. Please feel free to like it.
Life is for LIVING
I am sitting here with my door to the garden open knowing shortly that it will get closed as the temperature drops. It is starting to feel Autumnal here in Edinburgh first thing in the morning and in the last couple of evenings.Soon it will be getting darker earlier and for a lot of people that is when they curl up in a warm house and hibernate for the winter. It is also when a lot of people stop exercising as much, then the aches and pains set in.
Now is the time to be thinking what you can get in for the coming weeks to keep you on the go rather than becoming a couch potato. It may be you can use a Rebounder or a Wii if you have one. If not, a skipping rope may do, or you can do the simplest thing and continue with your walking As it gets darker just remember to take precautions if you are outside on your own..You could also get together with friends for a game of tennis or badminton and perhaps set it up as a weekly occurrence.
Whether it is inside or outside the house the most important thing is to move rather than sit in front of the TV. You will get more pleasure from a sense of wellbeing if you take exercise and you will certainly sleep better.
We must of course remember those that are unable to exercise such as the elderly or people with physical problems. If you know anyone in these categories make sure you help them through the colder, darker weather. It is too easy for them to become isolated if they are left on their own. You can visit them or take them out for a journey in the car, even if just to do some shopping.
One thing about a dog is it makes you go out whatever the weather or time of year so mine will keep me socialising with people during our walks as well as taking exercise. I also have my Sun Ancon Chi machine which after 15 minutes gives me the equivalent in oxygen benefits as 90 minutes of brisk walking. I love walking the dog and then using the machine after this. It makes me feel so alive and energetic.
If you know anyone that could do with some help to exercise without putting any strain on their body you can find out all about the Sun Ancon Chi Machine here.
Reiki, Workshops,Crystals and the Chi Machine
Monday, 20 August 2012
Summer feels like it has arrived.
What are you grateful for today? This summer has been one of the wettest in records where I live. It has meant that gardens were looking messy as they could not be cut and many flowers were being destroyed before they could even open due to all the pests and the rain. I did not realise until yesterday how much I have missed seeing the roses slowly opening their petals and the scent filling the air around me. Likewise my philadelphia bushes. This gives my most favourite smell but this year the rain was so strong that many flowers did not open and they just got knocked to the ground.
Yesterday, after a couple of days of sunshine, I looked out of my window to see two roses open against it. They seemed to have come out of nowhere. When I went out in the garden I had three Rose bushes either with opening flowers or buds swelling in the sun. I then went into my side garden and was able to see the lavender that I had grown from seed last year was also flowering. I quickly got my camera out and took some photographs, if only to prove to myself that something actually survived in my garden this year.
It may be that I have not had the summer that I was expecting. I have not been able to sit outside more than a couple of times and so far not had much fragrance to take note of ( although my honeysuckle did me proud). Yesterday I felt as if a lightbulb had been switched on as I looked on the beauty of all the flowers and felt such gratitude that I had the sight to see them all.
Today I saw something that looked amazing. This year my garden has been overrun by snails so I'd rather they took a walk but when I looked at my glass door to the garden there were three tiny see through baby snails attached to it. Usually we just see the snails once they are bigger with their shells on.I was in awe at how beautiful these babies were. Even though the bigger ones have eaten all my vegetables, with a little help from their friends, I still thought nature was wonderful.
I am thankful that I have a garden but even if you only have a window box you can plant something to make you feel good when you look at it or you could grow some indoor pot plants. There is beauty all around us but sometimes we are blocked from seeing it. Open your eyes and decide what you are grateful for today.
Sunday, 19 August 2012
Music is the food of life
I came across a photo today and thought how happy music can make us all. I was visiting someone today who was playing music of the 90's and as each song came on it brought back many happy memories for me.
I grew up with music in the house and also at school where we had both music and folk clubs and I remember hanging out with the music teachers who installed such a love of all things musical to me. I remember how the sounds of music filled my house when family and friends were practising both singing and playing musical instruments. Thinking back I now feel sorry for the neighbours!
It made me also think how many times you are thinking of someone when a special piece of music comes on that relates in your mind to them also. This has happened many times to me. It may be that I am thinking about a friend in trouble and Friends will be friends by Queen will come on. It is as if the universe lets us know that we are being helped and comforted too.
Whatever emotion we are feeling you can always find a piece of music to go with it. I'm also sure many people have done the same as me by going on to You tube to listen to a song and then clicking on song after song reliving memories. The power of the word can be very strong but sometimes the melodies blow you away too.
Last night on the Xfactor was a girl of only 16 that had been writing songs since she was 13. I think she will go far as she can put so much meaning into both her words and music. This is the key to a good composer.
Just talking about music has made me log on to you tube so I am now going to enjoy myself. I can easily do without television and all the negativity you see and hear but I could not do without my music fix.
I grew up with music in the house and also at school where we had both music and folk clubs and I remember hanging out with the music teachers who installed such a love of all things musical to me. I remember how the sounds of music filled my house when family and friends were practising both singing and playing musical instruments. Thinking back I now feel sorry for the neighbours!
It made me also think how many times you are thinking of someone when a special piece of music comes on that relates in your mind to them also. This has happened many times to me. It may be that I am thinking about a friend in trouble and Friends will be friends by Queen will come on. It is as if the universe lets us know that we are being helped and comforted too.
Whatever emotion we are feeling you can always find a piece of music to go with it. I'm also sure many people have done the same as me by going on to You tube to listen to a song and then clicking on song after song reliving memories. The power of the word can be very strong but sometimes the melodies blow you away too.
Last night on the Xfactor was a girl of only 16 that had been writing songs since she was 13. I think she will go far as she can put so much meaning into both her words and music. This is the key to a good composer.
Just talking about music has made me log on to you tube so I am now going to enjoy myself. I can easily do without television and all the negativity you see and hear but I could not do without my music fix.
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