I have just spent the day walking around smiling. Do you ever have a day when this happens to you and you don't know why? I found myself pondering on this when walking home from work in the pouring rain I heard myself singing " I'm walking on Sunshine"! Maybe you'll just all think I'm mad lol.
As usual everything, especially the weather, changes here. I wakened up this morning to a Facebook post from someone in Maine in the USA who advised there was over 4 feet of snow there and it was on it's way across to the UK. I got quite a surprise when I looked out of my window to see my car and the streets covered in snow. By the time I was coming home it was raining and all the snow had melted. I was grateful for 2 things. The first was the snow here was not bad enough to grind the city to a halt. I'm sure countries more used to the snowy weather can cope but we have not many roads gritted so it can cause problems over here. The second was I had remembered to take my umbrella to work today as I needed it on the way home. I love all the changes that we get in our weather. In Edinburgh we have to be adaptable. We can sometimes appear to have 4 seasons in one day.
Some of you may have read my previous post about the loss of my dog in October. I decided that I needed a dog in my life and contacted a rescue centre. Yesterday I had my home visit and now it's a waiting game to get a dog that is correct for my circumstances as well as me being the right owner for her / him. All the dogs that I have owned apart from one have come from rescue centres. In particular this centre tries to match up dogs and prospective owners and go into a lot of depth to make sure the owner knows what they may be taking on. This means there is a much lower chance of a dog being returned. I am excited that I have made the commitment to take on another family pet.
At the weekend I had time with my family and once again know how grateful I am to have them in my life. It is especially good to see the children learning different things and I also let the siblings have time apart which we all know is sometimes needed!
I have ended today by going to a workshop run by Angel Healing Waters with a few others and had a lovely evening including an Attunement with Rose Quartz Crystal. Tomorrow is Valentines day and if you did not know it this crystal is the stone of love. Whether you have a partner or not the most important person to love both tomorrow and always is YOU. This workshop also had an addition to it tonight. A very special rescue dog that lapped up all the attention given to it. Wendy- she is adorable.
After reading what I have written I now know why I feel so happy today. Sometimes you just have to write things down to become more aware of all the good things in your life. Make sure you take the time too to appreciate what you have in your life.