Peace Harmony and Joy

Friday, 9 November 2012

Moving on with life


For all of those whose thoughts have been with me over the last 2 weeks since the loss of my dog Misty I want to thank you all.

 It was a very strange week in that everything happened so fast and my emotions were all over the place. During this time I had arranged to do my Karuna reiki training. As I did not know what the situation would be I was tempted to cancel the training thinking I would be too emotional. In the end I decided to go ahead with the training and it was the right decision. Karuna reiki stands for compassion and it was exactly what I needed. I am using reiki to work on myself and am feeling a lot more peaceful than I had expected.

I know that it will take time for me to adjust as many habits have formed over the last few years such as leaving a door open so Misty could get to her water bowl. One of the funnier things she did was go to bed then wait until I closed the door on her then immediately got out of bed and went onto the settee. Funnily enough she was allowed on it but this was a ritual she like to play. I still find myself looking back when I close the door at night.I even found myself yesterday looking forward to having an extra walk with her as every second Thursday I finish early from work.

Many people lose family pets or family and friends so I am not alone but one thing you can do is enjoy the memories you had with them. For anyone going through illness at this time my heart goes out to you and your family. Make sure you make as many good memories as you can and remember you will still be connected when the time comes. After my spiritual weekend I am convinced of this.

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