Peace Harmony and Joy

Monday, 21 January 2013

Reiki update

I'm pleased to say that I now have my Karuna Reiki certificate after a problem with the post. This means that I can now offer Usui Reiki , Karuna Reiki, Crystal and Chi machine therapies.

At the moment I am using all of them to help my back which decided to give me a time of enforced rest. I am trying to make the most of it by spending time working on my website and tax return. The tax return is a bit harder as all the information needed for it is at my day job. Some things are just sent to try us.

At least by being at home I have access to my Chi machine. After the first day of using it I was able to walk down the stairs rather than hobble. Now I can sit for an hour then use the chi machine to help when I seize up again but it's improving daily. This means that for the next couple of weeks I will be unable to see any clients but will take bookings for after this.

I will still be running my Usui reiki level 2 workshop on the 9th and 10th February and spaces are still available for it. This runs over 2 days and includes lunch and follow up 4 weeks later.

I hope everyone is surviving the snow and bad weather. Make sure you all take care and if going anywhere take all you need in your cars in case you run into any problems. At least this is not affecting me at the moment but I'm sure my heating bill will when it comes in!

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