Peace Harmony and Joy

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Puppy update.

I can't believe 3 weeks has passed since I brought my puppies home. I thought long and hard about bringing them into my life as I work all day but things worked out even better than I anticipated. I was going to use a company for a few weeks to come in durng the morning to play with the pups but then thought about putting money into my own area so advertised in the local post office. I was surprised to be contacted by someone that I had met at the very same workshop where I had made the decison to replace my dog who had passed over. She actually lives in the same street  as me and recommended someone. I now have the most fantastic lady who comes and plays with the pups and leave me very humorous notes from the pups too.

I have been teaching the pups using Victoria Stilwells Youtube videos. They are a fantastic use of positive training and shows how easily it  can be done. Within minutes I had them sitting and now have them staying as well. So far the male ( Merlin) has more staying power- queue the male comments lol. I am sure the female (Willow) will catch up soon.

My life is always full of joy but I have certainly missed my dog Misty as well as the walks we had. My waistline has really missed those too so this will all change in 4 days when I will be able to walk them. Until then I feel that I am exercising daily with all the bending to pick up the wet papers.

So far they have been socialised with  dogs and cats as well as the young children in my family. They had also been brought up with the same which made it easier. It was interesting to read all the things you should socialise your dogs with on the list I got from the vets. Now I just need to find someone with a beard. All of this should be done before the pups are 12 weeks old and because they cannot walk outside yet this can be problematic. The good thing is they are now totally happy in the car so I have been taking them to visit friends.

 Merlin will  be operated on his teeth on Thursday and more than likely Willow soon too. If they are not operated they will have major problems as Merlins jaw is already getting displaced due to his top teeth connecting into his bottom gums. There was me thinking after all the vets bills for Misty that I could now relax!

I know all the hard work will be worth it and it's fantastic for the pups to have each other to play with- even if it is trying to run off with my slipper. Today was to be a possible longer lie in bed for me but the pups awoke at 6.00am but I can't complain as all week I have wakened them at 6am. Now they are sleeping curled up together after playing in the garden today.

Animals can bring so much into your life and today I am grateful for my two new additions to my family. They have also been a big hit with my reiki clients too.

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