Peace Harmony and Joy

Saturday, 6 January 2018

Looking back over 2017

2017 was an interesting year for many. Politics in the UK have been all about Brexit and some of the false things that were put before the voters. There was also an oil line built through Dakota Indian reservations against the wishes of the Indians living there. There has been a leak there already. Whenever there is an oil spill it kills all the area and wildlife around it. This can affect the land and water for many years after a spill. Many disabled people and those on benefits are not being treated correctly in the UK either with many being left homeless or without money. On top of all that, Donald Trump also advised there is no such thing as Global Warming! These are people in  power making those decisions and saying these things. It really makes you wonder where common sense and humanity to all has gone from those in power.

So many decisions made by governments that we wish could be taken back. It reminds me of the song by Queen-Is this the world we created. We have all been granted time on this earth and should all be taking care of it.  This may be voting in the right people but also taking responsibility for ourselves. No dropping litter or creating hatred amongst people.  Media outlets often portray things going wrong but how often do you see things on TV and Newspapers that are working for the good of people? It really makes people believe that the world is failing and nothing can change it. It can also make people fall into a depressive state of mind too. But don't believe that only Fearful things are happening!

Many babies were born during 2017 and this will have brought the gift of life into many families. Our job is to make sure they have a good land to grow up in. It is also up to us to make change happen. We can recycle so not as much gets sent to the tips. We can use less energy and we can be respectful to all living things. Whether you have a new born baby or an older child, it is never to early to instill kindness and respect for others.

We can also open our eyes to all the good things that the year brought us. Although food bank usage has increased, more people are waking up to see that their help is needed. All over the country people are donating both their time and goods to their local foodbanks. In Edinburgh 10 tiny homes are being built for the homeless and we just raised over 4million pounds through a massive sleep out in Princes Street Gardens. This will go to helping homeless people throughout the country. Money has also been committed by the Scottish Government in Partnership with Social bite to remove homelessness from our streets.

I am proud of all the people I have met who are opening their minds to finding that what they eat has an impact on their health. So does the state of your mind. A great book to read is The 5 side effects of Kindness by Dr David Hamilton. He explains in easy understandable language how we really can change our Body health by being kind. More people are growing their own vegetables and I have to say they taste so  different from shop bought ones. People are also trying to go Vegan for the month of January. More people than ever are cutting out meat and dairy from their diets (including me). I have to say I feel healthier for doing that.

I ended the year by buying something I have wanted for years. I have been saving up for it then got offered it at half price! Of course I said yes and this will be added to my therapies too. I will be  updating it on my website shortly.

Last but not least I am thankful for all the people that have learned reiki with me during 2017. It's great when I see the difference it can make to them and see them going on to change their lives. I am also grateful for all that they taught me too as we never stop learning.

Here's to 2018 and I wish you a great year full of Synchronicities.

Joy Fraser
Usui Reiki Master / Teacher

Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Are You Crazy? Think Again!

I saw this today on my drafts in my Blogger and it got me thinking. I never posted this! There are thousands of people out there, myself included, that know there is more to life than getting up in the morning, going to work and going back home again. Between us we practise Reiki, Meditation, sound baths, Law of Attraction and many more therapies that all help us in different ways.

I am very grateful that I am in touch with so many other therapists that have expanded my horizons over the last few years. It is great to share ideas and practices with others.

When I started working with reiki energy people thought it was odd. Now it is accepted by most people that I speak to so it has now become more mainstream. Some people though are very  traditional and don't want to believe that anything outside conventional medicine can help them so are unwilling to believe the alternative things on offer. I have found recently that you can only tell people about these new ideas and see how they react, even if the result is they roll around the floor laughing.

I had this recently when I was talking at work about Animal Communication and the above actually happened so I sent them a link to the story of the Leopard Diablo. This was after I had gone on an Animal communication course and was blown away by how we can communicate with animals. You should really make time to watch the video. Previous to that I had been asked what I had been doing the evening before and advised I had seen Chris Ratter who is a psychic Surgeon.  I did say that knowing them they would not want to hear where I had been but they insisted. Since that day they always look to be entertained by what I get up to out of work. I tell them that even if they laugh they are being enlightened by learning about things they previously had no knowledge of. It's just as well I'm thick skinned also. I now work with a different team who are getting used to my strange ways lol.

Recently I have been learning more about food and how much rubbish we put into our mouths which then go on to cause ill health for so many people. It has taken me a long time to get to here though. I remember giving my children sugar free diluting juice thinking I was doing the right thing for them. Now I am aware that often the sweet taste which replaced sugar was due to Aspartame which causes serious health issues.  For all the parents out there, take a look at the packaging on what you give your children. It will shock you and please stop giving them fizzy drinks.  You are setting them up for problems.  Recent information shows the top brands are losing a lot of customers as we are becoming wise to what the drinks can do to us. I recently saw a video of a family that were given organic food only for 2 weeks. Before they started their urine was checked and they each had numerous chemicals and pesticides in them. After going Organic they were checked again and there was almost zero chemicals in them. A couple of people from my work have seen a  therapist I know who tests for food intolerances. I saw her too and all 3 of us found out foods that our bodies were not happy with and by changing or eliminating these we all found it helped us. One of mine was bread and looking at the packaging and seeing all the extra ingredients was an eye opener for me. I then made my own and have reduced the amount of bread I eat from my diet.

The point I am making is the world is expanding on what we can do to help ourselves but people need to be willing to either make changes in their lives or at least open up to the idea that there is more help available outside of traditional medicine. The more we let people know about these things and don't feel embarrassed when talking about them will go a long way to helping others become aware. For anyone that is helping themselves with any of the above- You are NOT  crazy!

Joy Fraser
Reiki Master / Teacher