Peace Harmony and Joy

Thursday, 12 July 2018

Teaching Children Meditation and How to be Confident

This week I had a special visitor. Up till 5 years ago I hosted Foreign Language students in my home. One of my students from 9 years ago was visiting Edinburgh this week and dropped in to see me. He was someone I always remembered, as when he arrived he brought me a purple scarf and on leaving he bought me The Reiki Bible with lovely words from him inscribed inside. He was a teacher and I always thought his students were so lucky to have him. While he was staying with me, he kept buying books and eventually sent 2 very large boxes full back to Spain. All purchased with his own money. Roll on 9 years and he is now the Deputy Head teacher of his school. He also told me they have introduced Mindfulness for his students from age 3 onwards. Like me, he believes if you teach them early it will set them up for life.

He is also aware that children learn more from interactive actions rather than sitting learning only from books. We discussed that children pick up languages much faster when they are younger. Each year his school brings in a teacher from another country to work with the children so they are constantly learning new languages. I only wish we had longer together as I loved hearing about how his school was being run. I truly believe that if children can learn ways to support themselves that they will grow up to be more confident adults.

I have trained my Grandchildren in reiki and can see the difference it has made to their families lives. I only wish I had learned earlier as I think my life would have turned out differently. Hopefully I would have got to where I am now but in a much easier way! My Grandchildren also love meditations that I put together for them. We have to remember that as well as all the learning they do as they are growing, they also need ways to escape too. This may mean having their heads stuck in a book, meditating or doing something they love. The most important thing is to help them enjoy their childhood as well as helping them learn for the future, but in the right way. All schools should take a lesson from how Juan's school is run. I think Meditation should be taught in all schools. It helps with all the stresses and strains of modern day life. If you are interested in teaching meditation to your own children or your school children I would highly recommend Calm Kids by Lorraine Murray.

If you would be interested in me making a personal guided Meditation for your child, or as a present for another, you can get in touch with me either through Facebook  or my website. 

Joy Fraser
UK Reiki Federation Master / Teacher

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