Wednesday, 6 December 2017
Monday, 4 December 2017
Helping Others Worse Off Than Ourselves
Today I am not at work as I have done my Back in. It has not done that for 2 years, which I am grateful for. It made me think that at least I can access painkillers and stretch out on a bed if required. I also have electricity to plug in my Sun Ancon Chi machine. Others are not so fortunate. Imagine those that are living on the streets with no money or fixed abode to get help when they need it? Imagine also how cold they are with Winter arriving.
Christmas and the Holiday season has landed. We are all thinking about what to buy for those we know. Usually, instead of sending cards to people, I buy something through Unicef to help the third world. I am a great believer that the majority of cards end up in landfill and it is such a waste.
This year, instead, I am helping my Grandson Eamonn who is 13 years of age to help the Homeless in Edinburgh. We are going to gather as much money as we can to help buy gloves, scarfs and hats for those on the streets. Edinburgh is doing a lot to help the homeless but there are others out there that for whatever reason cannot live with a roof over them. It may be due to PTSD or mental health issues. Eamonn at aged 10 raised hundreds of pounds for his local Foodbank at the Trussell Trust in East Lothian so I would love for us all to get behind him with this initiative.
Can I ask if you can spare any change to help the homeless that you add to my Go Fund Me fundraiser please. I did mention Indigogo on the video but found they were taking too much off in charges. Every donation, no matter how small will help. I have started it off.
Every day I feel grateful for my life (even with Back pain) but feel that if we Pay it forward to help others it can help us all learn to have more Gratitude in our lives. Here is the link I have also decided that from any reiki workshops booked with me for next year before 31.12.2017, I will donate 10%.
You can also help by giving direct to the people on the streets as well in your locality. I would love to know what you are all doing to help others this year.
Christmas and the Holiday season has landed. We are all thinking about what to buy for those we know. Usually, instead of sending cards to people, I buy something through Unicef to help the third world. I am a great believer that the majority of cards end up in landfill and it is such a waste.
This year, instead, I am helping my Grandson Eamonn who is 13 years of age to help the Homeless in Edinburgh. We are going to gather as much money as we can to help buy gloves, scarfs and hats for those on the streets. Edinburgh is doing a lot to help the homeless but there are others out there that for whatever reason cannot live with a roof over them. It may be due to PTSD or mental health issues. Eamonn at aged 10 raised hundreds of pounds for his local Foodbank at the Trussell Trust in East Lothian so I would love for us all to get behind him with this initiative.
Can I ask if you can spare any change to help the homeless that you add to my Go Fund Me fundraiser please. I did mention Indigogo on the video but found they were taking too much off in charges. Every donation, no matter how small will help. I have started it off.
Every day I feel grateful for my life (even with Back pain) but feel that if we Pay it forward to help others it can help us all learn to have more Gratitude in our lives. Here is the link I have also decided that from any reiki workshops booked with me for next year before 31.12.2017, I will donate 10%.
You can also help by giving direct to the people on the streets as well in your locality. I would love to know what you are all doing to help others this year.
Sunday, 19 November 2017
Be Happier Through Being Grateful
Today I feel so grateful for my life. We all have times in our life when things may not be as we like, but the more you are grateful for what is good in your life, the happier you will become. You really should try it and see over the coming weeks the difference it makes you feel.
Instead of watching TV and hearing about horrible situations, or watching soaps and getting caught up in family dramas (please remember the latter are not real), go outside instead. Let the wind go through your hair, even if it's getting to the time of year to wear hats and scarfs. Being in tune with nature is the way for a much healthier state of mind. What's even better is it's free!
Be aware that your life really does matter and somehow it impacts on others. I remember my grandson seeing a homeless person and gave him some of his lunch. We now have Social Bite who are trying to erradicate homelessness. If that person had not made an impact on my grandson, Eamonn would not be wanting to do more to help others at this time of year.
I was telling my reiki students yesterday that other Therapists challenged me to come out of my comfort zone and post videos on Social media. I even did a live video. After someone messaged me last night I found that these videos are helping the person. I loved hearing this. I will challenge myself to do more of these videos and have gone as far as getting a copy go pro. I just need to learn the best way to use it. I tried in the local park and video'd the grass lol. It's all a learning curve and I am grateful for the opportunity to use it.
With Christmas coming up the shopping frenzies have begun. Please don't get caught up in this, especially if you don't have much money. Use your time for people instead. they will be much more grateful for it. Today I am grateful for sitting in my pyjamas at 10.20 am on a Sunday morning. See, it really doesn't take much to make me grateful and happy. What about you?
If you want to check out my videos you can find them both on Facebook and You tube.
My You Tube Channel
My Facebook page
My Website
Wednesday, 18 October 2017
Feeling rejuvenised and rested
I have just returned from a cruise. It is something I had wanted to do for 13 years, since I did my last one and only cruise with my daughter. It came about as I was on holiday with a friend last year and mentioned I could never get anyone willing to travel on the water with me. They all wanted a holiday on land. This friend shouted out "Me!" After she said that, we went to a travel agency and booked. Talk about the Universe giving me the answer I needed.
It used to be that people that went cruising were elderly and rich. You do still get that but our cruise was full of people of all ages, like us, that had saved up and there were also families that had been put forward by the Make a Wish Foundation. These are holidays for children who are terminally ill. There were others that had moved closer to cruise terminals so they could get cheaper cruises, more often. There were many families with children of all ages too. They were all catered for.
We met loads of lovely people on board and learnt many stories from people. One lady even told us her son started designing Web sites at age 11 and then set up his own company aged 13! He then went on to sell it and is now in a good space. What a proud Mum that was.
Sometimes people can become so insular on holidays. On Cruises you get the opportunity to sit and talk if you want which is good. While on the Caribbean seas I did some meditation and even recorded one which is on my Facebook page here. I have also recorded some more meditations on my You tube channel- here.
Holidays are great to take a break from everyday life. Even if you spend time at home doing something just for you, it will be a break from what you normally do. It also gives you a chance to have time to make decisions that require changes. I feel nice and refreshed and of course it was great to get home to my 2 dogs who were being looked after by a friend.
I am now looking forward to running my reiki level 2 workshop on 4/5th November and my level 1 workshop on 18th November. These are held in Edinburgh so if you are looking to learn reiki then get in touch.
Joy Fraser
It used to be that people that went cruising were elderly and rich. You do still get that but our cruise was full of people of all ages, like us, that had saved up and there were also families that had been put forward by the Make a Wish Foundation. These are holidays for children who are terminally ill. There were others that had moved closer to cruise terminals so they could get cheaper cruises, more often. There were many families with children of all ages too. They were all catered for.
We met loads of lovely people on board and learnt many stories from people. One lady even told us her son started designing Web sites at age 11 and then set up his own company aged 13! He then went on to sell it and is now in a good space. What a proud Mum that was.
Sometimes people can become so insular on holidays. On Cruises you get the opportunity to sit and talk if you want which is good. While on the Caribbean seas I did some meditation and even recorded one which is on my Facebook page here. I have also recorded some more meditations on my You tube channel- here.
Holidays are great to take a break from everyday life. Even if you spend time at home doing something just for you, it will be a break from what you normally do. It also gives you a chance to have time to make decisions that require changes. I feel nice and refreshed and of course it was great to get home to my 2 dogs who were being looked after by a friend.
I am now looking forward to running my reiki level 2 workshop on 4/5th November and my level 1 workshop on 18th November. These are held in Edinburgh so if you are looking to learn reiki then get in touch.
Joy Fraser
Thursday, 5 October 2017
Friday, 29 September 2017
Don't Be Stuck In Fear Mode. Let's Spread Some Joy.
Although I stopped watching or listening to the news a few years ago, there are some things you can't escape from. You hear so much on the internet especially on Social Media. I cannot say strongly enough not to believe all you see in the news. Often it is biased towards what they want you to believe, rather than the truth of a situation. Today I read about the possibility of war with North Korea and America. What it really needs is someone to knock some sense into those in power, not to have other countries joining in! Whenever there is strife and action gets taken, we often find out years later that it was based on lies.
Anyone in Government should be doing the best for those who appointed them. Running the risk of war and thousands of deaths is not the way forward. I hope especially that the UK government have learned from the past!
Many times over the years I would read or hear things that were so biased and often highly embellished so I realised that companies, especially the BBC, should no longer be held in high esteem. It cannot be said that it is unbiased where political parties are concerned. We often find on Social Media too that we are being moderated and if anyone speaks about something those higher up don't want people to know, it gets deleted. This may mean people are not getting to hear the truth or to hear opposing views. We are all adults, so should be able to make informed decisions. Unfortunately, there are so many people out there who believe everything they hear without investigating further. I prefer to have access to all places to help me make my decisions.
A big point here is to mention that Fear breeds Fear. It can get to the point that people believe the world is about to come to an end and that everything is going wrong. There is so much more going on that is right. We have so many good people around us. The only problem is this does not make such a good story as the Fear factor does.
In Edinburgh we have a company called Social Bite who are setting up a tiny home area in partnership with the council. Their website is here. So far thousands of people are signing up to sleep outside for a night in the winter to raise funds to help get the homeless into accommodation. This proves that so may people believe that change can happen! My thanks go to all those taking part and also all the Musicians and others that are taking part to entertain the crowds.
Check out the good things happening in your area. Try paying it forward and making someones day. Do something for others that they don't expect. Happiness can be yours with the right thoughts and you can spread it to others too!
If you want to start your day in a positive way you can check out my video here.
Joy Fraser
Usui Reiki Master / Teacher
Anyone in Government should be doing the best for those who appointed them. Running the risk of war and thousands of deaths is not the way forward. I hope especially that the UK government have learned from the past!
Many times over the years I would read or hear things that were so biased and often highly embellished so I realised that companies, especially the BBC, should no longer be held in high esteem. It cannot be said that it is unbiased where political parties are concerned. We often find on Social Media too that we are being moderated and if anyone speaks about something those higher up don't want people to know, it gets deleted. This may mean people are not getting to hear the truth or to hear opposing views. We are all adults, so should be able to make informed decisions. Unfortunately, there are so many people out there who believe everything they hear without investigating further. I prefer to have access to all places to help me make my decisions.
A big point here is to mention that Fear breeds Fear. It can get to the point that people believe the world is about to come to an end and that everything is going wrong. There is so much more going on that is right. We have so many good people around us. The only problem is this does not make such a good story as the Fear factor does.
In Edinburgh we have a company called Social Bite who are setting up a tiny home area in partnership with the council. Their website is here. So far thousands of people are signing up to sleep outside for a night in the winter to raise funds to help get the homeless into accommodation. This proves that so may people believe that change can happen! My thanks go to all those taking part and also all the Musicians and others that are taking part to entertain the crowds.
Check out the good things happening in your area. Try paying it forward and making someones day. Do something for others that they don't expect. Happiness can be yours with the right thoughts and you can spread it to others too!
If you want to start your day in a positive way you can check out my video here.
Joy Fraser
Usui Reiki Master / Teacher
Tuesday, 26 September 2017
Peace Harmony and Joy: Change Is Good For The Soul
Peace Harmony and Joy: Change Is Good For The Soul: As the trees change colour and we move into Autumn what changes have you made this year? All our plants constantly go through change and r...
Sunday, 24 September 2017
Change Is Good For The Soul
As the trees change colour and we move into Autumn what changes have you made this year? All our plants constantly go through change and rebirth. Why should we be any different? I believe we should always be changing. It may be our bodies or our mindsets. We can continue to learn as we go through this lifetime.
This year has been a big one for me since my Hypnotherapy workshop. I finally realised what made me the weight I was. This has enabled me to change my eating habits and my thoughts. At the same time I went Plant based. The last thing to remove from my diet was was milk and cheese. The Milk was easier as I had been making Almond Milk for a while with Almonds and water and also found an organic Soya Milk with just Soya and water so no nasties in either. The hardest addiction to remove was the cheese which has casein in it. This triggers the same part of the Brain that hard drugs do. No wonder I was attracted to it. I found after 2 years ago going vegetarian, that I was eating so much more cheese than I ever had before too. This of course also increased my weight.
My journey started when I spoke to a lady who was removing Cancer from her body just by changing her diet. She inspired me. At that time the only meat I had eaten for many years was Chicken and Turkey. After that conversation, the next 2 times I found myself eating meat, I realised I was not actually enjoying it, so why was I eating it?
The interesting thing about change is how the word can spread. Now my daughter's family are plant based too. My son in law more recently after watching What the Health! If you want to help your health, a good book and film to watch is Fork Over Knives.
My journey will continue as I learn new things as well as my body changes. So far without any fad diets I have lost 1 stone 7 lbs. That includes a holiday when I put a little on due to all the latte's and hot chocolates lol. The good news it it all came back off plus another kilogram.
Whatever you do with your life, remember you can change.
PS If you want to keep up with my posts join me on my Facebook page. If you like the page and interact on the competition you may win a prize!
Joy Fraser
Usui Reiki Master / Teacher
This year has been a big one for me since my Hypnotherapy workshop. I finally realised what made me the weight I was. This has enabled me to change my eating habits and my thoughts. At the same time I went Plant based. The last thing to remove from my diet was was milk and cheese. The Milk was easier as I had been making Almond Milk for a while with Almonds and water and also found an organic Soya Milk with just Soya and water so no nasties in either. The hardest addiction to remove was the cheese which has casein in it. This triggers the same part of the Brain that hard drugs do. No wonder I was attracted to it. I found after 2 years ago going vegetarian, that I was eating so much more cheese than I ever had before too. This of course also increased my weight.
My journey started when I spoke to a lady who was removing Cancer from her body just by changing her diet. She inspired me. At that time the only meat I had eaten for many years was Chicken and Turkey. After that conversation, the next 2 times I found myself eating meat, I realised I was not actually enjoying it, so why was I eating it?
The interesting thing about change is how the word can spread. Now my daughter's family are plant based too. My son in law more recently after watching What the Health! If you want to help your health, a good book and film to watch is Fork Over Knives.
My journey will continue as I learn new things as well as my body changes. So far without any fad diets I have lost 1 stone 7 lbs. That includes a holiday when I put a little on due to all the latte's and hot chocolates lol. The good news it it all came back off plus another kilogram.
Whatever you do with your life, remember you can change.
PS If you want to keep up with my posts join me on my Facebook page. If you like the page and interact on the competition you may win a prize!
Joy Fraser
Usui Reiki Master / Teacher
Monday, 18 September 2017
Sunday, 27 August 2017
Gratitude - What does it mean to you?
The reason I ask this is I am sitting in my garden in the sunshine surrounded by colour. Nature is wonderful if you take time to be aware. Apart from the flowers and trees, if you stand or sit quietly, you can hear the sounds of the different birds.Today I have taken photos of all the colours surrounding me.
A large part of the beauty in my garden is thanks to my wonderful neighbour. He took plants both large and small from his garden and planted them in mine. The rest I planted from seedlings and have watched them grow.
Another thing I am grateful for is the Hypnotherapy workshop I went on. As I advised in my last blog I am also transitioning to becoming Vegan. Since then I have lost 10 kg! I have put a little back on as I had a friend staying but it is coming back off just as quickly. With her being Gluten Free and me eating plant based foods I was amazed at how many places in and around Edinburgh could accommodate us.Two places I would highly recommend for a visit, if you are ever up this way is Roslyn Chapel and also the Samye Ling Centre in the Borders. If you want to see photos I took in the latter you can see them on my Facebook page here.
There is always something to feel grateful for, even if it's having a roof over your head or food on your table. I make it a practice to write down three things before I go to bed. Sometimes I want to write a lot more. Why not try doing that and surprise yourself. Feel free to let me know what you are grateful for.
PS. Why don't you go and like my Facebook page. At the top of the page you will see pinned a competition I am running. If you want to share it I will be able to give out the prizes a little quicker.
Joy Fraser
UK Reiki Federation Master / Teacher
Wednesday, 28 June 2017
Changes For Your Better Health
I hope you are all having a good week. Today I was looking at a photo I took this week that shows my garden cut into light and darker areas. It made me think that sometimes darkness can overcome people but all it needs is to let a little chink of light in to start seeing some changes.The plant at the front of my photograph was planted almost 21 years ago and was not thriving at all so my wonderful neighbour moved it for me. Within a couple of weeks it started budding and is now growing at a good pace. Plants are like people that if you stick them where they are uncomfortable they will not grow. All mine needed was a change of location. The dogs are my bonus lol.
Sometimes people get stuck in a place they don't want to be either mentally or emotionally. A lesson I learned this week (and should have known better) was not to concentrate on what you were unhappy with. As soon as I reminded myself of this my outlook changed. I know some people have a lot of dark times but the best suggestion I can make is to try to get out when you are in a good place and look for the chink of light that you can use when you are pulled into the depressive mode. It may be joining a group that you have a hobby for, or even taking a walk by the sea. Make the time when you are in a better frame of mind to do things that make you happy and hopefully this will help you through the other times. It may even be that relocating or moving to another job will free your mind from your current stress. Treat yourself if you can to a holistic treatment. This could be a massage, reiki, reflexology or anything you feel drawn to. It's important for you to do something that treats you!
If I ever feel down I just need to cuddle up to my 2 dogs and their friend in the photo. Dog hugs say it all.
Joy Fraser
UK Reiki Federation Master / Teacher
Sometimes people get stuck in a place they don't want to be either mentally or emotionally. A lesson I learned this week (and should have known better) was not to concentrate on what you were unhappy with. As soon as I reminded myself of this my outlook changed. I know some people have a lot of dark times but the best suggestion I can make is to try to get out when you are in a good place and look for the chink of light that you can use when you are pulled into the depressive mode. It may be joining a group that you have a hobby for, or even taking a walk by the sea. Make the time when you are in a better frame of mind to do things that make you happy and hopefully this will help you through the other times. It may even be that relocating or moving to another job will free your mind from your current stress. Treat yourself if you can to a holistic treatment. This could be a massage, reiki, reflexology or anything you feel drawn to. It's important for you to do something that treats you!
If I ever feel down I just need to cuddle up to my 2 dogs and their friend in the photo. Dog hugs say it all.
Joy Fraser
UK Reiki Federation Master / Teacher
Wednesday, 14 June 2017
Weight loss for Dummies - that includes me!
I decided this week to treat myself to a workshop with a lot of life coaching and hypnotherapy included. It was to set me on my path to lose weight. It was run by Gillian who I would highly recommend. She can be found here.
It's interesting what you learn about yourselves on this course. I think we all had a light bulb moment. Synchronicity also works in mysterious ways as for a while I have been considering changing my foods to plant based. I kept seeing a website for delivery which I thought was a good idea to get started but had not signed up. Tonight I received an email from the site Fork over Knives. It directed me to watch a very inspiring film about losing weight on the plant based diet- here. I was then shown a voucher on line for money off Allplants which is the website I kept considering using. Talk about synchronicity moving forwards. Tonight I was also accepted to try out another thing. I will tell you more about it later.
I love how when you put it out there that things start to happen. I will also be increasing my exercise so will put it out there that I have to periodically update you on how I'm doing. What changes are you going to make?
I will give you a laugh about synchronicity again. I went on the web to get a photo to add to the blog and the first photo it showed me was a Dragon. Anyone that has heard me speaking about Dragons over the last few weeks will understand.
Joy Fraser
Usui Reiki Teacher`
It's interesting what you learn about yourselves on this course. I think we all had a light bulb moment. Synchronicity also works in mysterious ways as for a while I have been considering changing my foods to plant based. I kept seeing a website for delivery which I thought was a good idea to get started but had not signed up. Tonight I received an email from the site Fork over Knives. It directed me to watch a very inspiring film about losing weight on the plant based diet- here. I was then shown a voucher on line for money off Allplants which is the website I kept considering using. Talk about synchronicity moving forwards. Tonight I was also accepted to try out another thing. I will tell you more about it later.
I love how when you put it out there that things start to happen. I will also be increasing my exercise so will put it out there that I have to periodically update you on how I'm doing. What changes are you going to make?
I will give you a laugh about synchronicity again. I went on the web to get a photo to add to the blog and the first photo it showed me was a Dragon. Anyone that has heard me speaking about Dragons over the last few weeks will understand.
Joy Fraser
Usui Reiki Teacher`
Sunday, 14 May 2017
Time Changes Thoughts
What a difference a month makes. My last post spoke about my burglary so I thought I would give you a little update. The police caught the thief and called me to say they might have some of my jewellery. They asked if I had someone past or present with the name Daisy. That was my mothers name. They had recovered a tiny silver heart pendant with her name on it. When I posted this the person that had given it to her spoke up that she had mum's name put on the pendant. This person grew up like a sister to me. A few days later I went to The Edinburgh College of Parapsychology and guess what? My mum came through and said I now had her pendant. It was great to have confirmation that she watches over me.
It has taken me time to get over feeling my house was violated and I was unable to see any reiki clients but I'm pleased to say that my house feels like my own again now and I ran a workshop last week and had a client and the atmosphere in my home is back to how it should be. These things are meant to make us stronger and I know that memories are more important than material things that have been lost. One of the pieces of advice I was given from the Police which I would like to pass on is not to keep valuables in your bedroom. They suggest kitchen and bathrooms to be used instead.
One of the things to come out of this is I have replaced windows and am getting an alarm fitted. I will also come out of this with having no valuable items in the house either as I shall not be replacing what I lost but I have been having fun on Groupon and Ebay! The first piece of jewellery I saw and bought was earrings in the shape of Daisies! Thanks again mum.
My last post was It's okay to not be okay. Now I can say recovery waits just around the corner. Things can always change. This week I was told I always went into work happy even with what was going on in the home. My answer was the day goes faster if you are / act happy. Eventually it stops being an act and is just the way you are. Our emotions change if you allow them too and I can only say I'm pleased to be back to my usual happy self!
Next weekend 20/21 May 2017 I am running a Usui reiki level 2 in Edinburgh
Sunday 28 May 2017 I will be teaching Usui reiki level 1 in Edinburgh
Spaces are still available
Joy Fraser
UK Reiki Federation Master / Teacher
Edinburgh, Scotland
It has taken me time to get over feeling my house was violated and I was unable to see any reiki clients but I'm pleased to say that my house feels like my own again now and I ran a workshop last week and had a client and the atmosphere in my home is back to how it should be. These things are meant to make us stronger and I know that memories are more important than material things that have been lost. One of the pieces of advice I was given from the Police which I would like to pass on is not to keep valuables in your bedroom. They suggest kitchen and bathrooms to be used instead.
One of the things to come out of this is I have replaced windows and am getting an alarm fitted. I will also come out of this with having no valuable items in the house either as I shall not be replacing what I lost but I have been having fun on Groupon and Ebay! The first piece of jewellery I saw and bought was earrings in the shape of Daisies! Thanks again mum.
My last post was It's okay to not be okay. Now I can say recovery waits just around the corner. Things can always change. This week I was told I always went into work happy even with what was going on in the home. My answer was the day goes faster if you are / act happy. Eventually it stops being an act and is just the way you are. Our emotions change if you allow them too and I can only say I'm pleased to be back to my usual happy self!
Next weekend 20/21 May 2017 I am running a Usui reiki level 2 in Edinburgh
Sunday 28 May 2017 I will be teaching Usui reiki level 1 in Edinburgh
Spaces are still available
Joy Fraser
UK Reiki Federation Master / Teacher
Edinburgh, Scotland
Friday, 14 April 2017
Sometimes It's Okay To Not Be Okay

This week I had a shock of my own when I returned to the house to see that I had been burgled. My brain felt paralised for the first day and now I am writing down all the things I think are missing. I've got a feeling that other things will be remembered as and when I need them. Apart from having my home violated it has left me feeling uncomfortable so my sage is going to come out this weekend.
During this time I have been so grateful for all that friends and family have both done and offered to do for me. I know that I will move on from this but during this time I keep thinking of the baby above. I hope that family has support as they will need it ongoing. There are always people in a worse situation than ourselves and it doesn't hurt us to remember this when we are feeling sorry for ourselves.
This has been one of the times that I have also been grateful for reiki. The first night I got to bed at 1am after waiting on the police and the person to deal with my window. I fell asleep instantly with tiredness. Over the last couple of days I have been giving myself lots of reiki which has minimised the stress I was feeling and has allowed me to relax a bit more. I am also thankful for all my friends on social media who have reached out to me so I thank them all.
Joy Fraser
Reiki Teacher in Edinburgh
Friday, 3 March 2017
Now Is The Time To Spring Into Action!
Take the plants as they build up their energy in the ground throughout the winter and slowly pop their stalks above the ground as the temperature slowly rises. I think though that this year and the last couple, both plants and people are being confused with the seasons. Once the stalks are up you see the buds getting bigger before they split open to present their colourful flowers. This can take weeks from when they first appear out of the ground. Sometimes we are lucky that after they have flowered, many weeks later they can flower again or they may do this continuously until they are spent.
Perhaps we are too quick to put things into action when it is still Winter. This is when we would rather keep warm in the house and have our comfort food. Most people don't really want to go to gyms when it's freezing outside. Instead if we put it off till now we are more likely to exercise outside as we can now walk in daylight. It's also light when we come home that makes us feel like going out perhaps to the gym or for another walk. Could it be the plants have a better way of working it out?
Now is the time to build up your strength slowly. Don't rush out to do a Marathon, just increase your exercise a little day by day. Imagine, like the flowers, you feeling accomplished and more healthy as time goes by. Now is the time to help yourself as we all know how quickly time passes. You don't want to be stuck having done nothing when Winter comes around again, do you?
For those of you near Edinburgh, if you have not exercised due to health and need help contact me for information on the Sun Ancon Chi Machine. Details can be found on my website.
Joy Fraser
Reiki Master / Teacher
Saturday, 28 January 2017
Don't Wait - Make Your Life Count Now!
I speak to people with health issues every day. Interestingly, many of those that are the most positive have pets. It could be dogs, cats, rabbits, gerbils, even down to stick insects. I have 2 dogs and even on days like today when we come back home soaked it was good to get out and talk with other owners. It makes you feel alive. Of course the cuddles and antics from the dogs make it all worthwhile too!
Think of people you know that may not even have bad health that sit and stay closeted in their homes unhappy. Perhaps if they got a pet it would shift their mindset. Any of the above would love time and attention therefore helping people to become more content. There are also lots of rescue centres with all types of animals awaiting a new life. I have seen many posts on line about a company that lets you share your dog with others . This may help if your health stops you walking your dog for short periods. I know I am lucky that both my friends and dog walker help if my back goes.
I had it brought to me this week how quickly someone's health can change so I believe we should all be making the most of life that we can. If you can't get out of the house at this time try and find interests and forums on line so you can still chat to others and develop new interests.
A group of people I feel sorry for are those that work till they retire, then sit at home. Why not enjoy a work / life balance before retirement so you have interests for when you do retire? Don't be the person that says "When I retire I will do ........"
So what are you waiting for? Make yourself move and get an interest to do something different either inside or outside the house.
Joy Fraser
Reiki Teacher
Wednesday, 4 January 2017
I then spoke to a lovely lady who was 87 and had spent her time nursing parents and latterly her husband who had Dementia. In April this year he took sick and was diagnosed with terminal cancer in August. To hear this strong lady still managing to keep her sense of humour while she has carers coming in 4 times a day confirmed to me that it's all about how your mind works. Her story today was telling me how organised she has to be, so she sets out her clothes the night before. Today she got dressed and put her tights and dress on. She turned round and realised her underpants were still sitting on the chest of drawers. This had us both having a giggle as we chatted. It really is true that if you look for a good point in your day it helps you get through the stressful times. I take my hat off to both her plus all the carers out there.
Make sure you find something to uplift you each day. Why not go to a peaceful place and listen to the sounds of nature. Just take a moment or two to stand and listen rather than having your mind working all the time. Two of my favourite places to go are my local park and standing beside the sea. I am lucky to have both easily reachable from my home. Also if you know anybody in the above situation, sometimes like today they just need someone to talk to, or to give them a break, so why not call on them to see how you can help.
Usui reiki master/teacher
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